Massive Swell At Supertubes Causes JBU Supertrial Presented By RVCA To Be Postponed.
JBay – A monstrous, out-of-control south swell at Supertubes left the contest organisers of the JBU Supertrial Presented By RVCA no choice but to call the event off for the day. As the gathered contestants watched, enormous and unruly waves swept through the lineup as one of the biggest swells in decades hammered the Jeffreys Bay coastline. Conditions were deemed totally unrideable, as well as dangerous, and the event was called off.
The JBU Supertrial presented by RVCA has a waiting period that runs from 1 – 12 June, leaving the contest organisers seven more days to run the contest. The event winner will receive a wildcard slot into the World Surfing League’s JBay Open Championship Tour event, which takes place from 8 to 19 July. This surfer will receive a minimum prize of US$9,000 (R110,500). The JBay Open forms the anchor event of the JBay Winterfest presented by Woodlands Dairy – www.jbaywinterfest.com
“The surf today looked to be about 12-foot, possibly bigger, and totally unrideable,” said JBU’s Koffie Jacobs. “It’s big, there are some really strong currents out there, and the conditions have been deemed dangerous. We have decided to call the event off for the day, and we will wait for another day during the waiting period when we have cleaner and more manageable conditions.”
©Van Gysen
Local surfer and competitor Remi Peterson attempted to paddle out further up the beach, but was pushed back to the shoreline by the relentless sets. “I just got hammered out there,” said Peterson. “There was no way out.”
Determined to get out for a few waves, he then attempted to paddle out from the normal paddle out spot further down the beach, but was immediately swept down the point and got caught inside by a giant set of waves.
“It’s really big out there and it just isn’t contestable,” said East London surfer, former World Tour professional and National Junior Team Coach Greg Emslie. “I think this swell caught all of us by surprise. It’s a lot bigger and more powerful than initially forecast, and it’s just not good out there at all.”
The swell forecast shows potential towards the end of the waiting period, and the competitors will reconvene at JBay when the conditions look more favourable.
©Van Gysen
Nixon South Africa will be awarding a Nixon Tangent Sports Watch valued at R6 000 for the surfer who rides the best tube in the event, as well as a Nixon Blaster for the event winner.
The JBU Supertrial presented by RVCA is sanctioned by Surfing South Africa. Surfing South Africa is a member of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC), and recognised by the Dept. of Sport and Recreation as the national controlling body for surfing.
The JBU Supertrial presented by RVCA precedes the JBay Open WSL Championship Tour event, which takes place during the JBay Winterfest.
The JBU Supertrial presented by RVCA is supported by Arbor, Firewire, Stance, Nixon, Monster Energy South Africa, Zigzag Magazine and El Jimador Tequila.