Well, with my Dad and Darrell Hattingh on the boat, when the rod finally went, I said – “Who wants this fish!”.
They both just said – “No you take it”.
So there I was, finally actually fighting a fish myself. Wierd!
And what a fight – these guys pack a punch – even on a couta stick – it took 20 minutes. We could see the fish 30ft down but it wouldn’t budge.
We also got a big bonnie and swam it live until it died – earlier on we saw a marlin with it’s bill out the water acting strange. But no strike.
The water was 22.5 to 22.9 and really dirty – about 20ft vis.
The market was empty, so we actually did quite well…and yes, we will be eating this fish tonight.
A few local spearos also bagged a couple, there were plenty in that shoal!
Stay tuned!
Sean Lange
aka Shonalange
Yeah Sean, definitely a bluefin kingfish (caranx melampygus) – strong & beautiful litte buggers. We get them a lot up here at Baz on the shallow reefs, biggest I have caught here was about 12 kg´s. They are so aggressive they take big poppers meant for GT´s, they also love small spoons. They tend to be quiet territorial so we have a 100% release policy on them.
Nice one and good luck for the season…
It´s on fire up here, will send you some pics and reports
nice one Shonalanga- enjoy…
Yo mate. Go catch those naughty fishies hiding in the deep blue… Only way to go from here is up! Suerte amigo.