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Solar eclipse from Pomene Lodge

Solar eclipse from Pomene Lodge

This shot of young “Buddy” at watching the Solar eclipse from Pomene Lodge last week nicely captured the lunar moment out there. Our team jacked the welding helmet from the workshop at Pomene Lodge and facilitated the live show for all present out on the remote peninsula.

Solar eclipse from Pomene Lodge
Solar eclipse from Pomene Lodge

Buddy was enthralled at the concept of moons and suns. He couldn’t stop grinning. Such was the effect on the local people who would have passed the moment without knowing at all why is was darker at mid-day, that day.

Our attempts at capturing the moment fell way short of the media’s abilities…but we had fun trying! Pomene is quite far up towards the equator and so the eclipse was quite substantial.

Pomene is quite far up towards the equator and so the eclipse was quite substantial. Lasting for a good few hours through the mid-day, the light was discernibly dimmer. The flamingos and other marine wild-life in the estuary that day thought nothing of it and continued their playful existence.

The Sardine and it’s partners in Inhambane have started offering two and three week trips to Pomene, by boat. And its not all just fishing! Snorkeling the Sylvia Shoal, and Bassas do Zambia, are two highlights of the adventure. As are the pristine mangrove lined lagoons we get to explore. The perfect waves in crystal clear warm water that peel for miles.

All these achievements made easy by using the ocean to get around on.

Check it all out at the following link…

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Footloose fishing lessons

Footloose fishing lessons

Spending some time in The Big Smoke, working The Mydo distribution run…and being land locked presents a host of problems.

But there are always bass.

And so, a chunk of the Von Biljon family and I set out on Sunday, to Footloose Trout Farm. Which is not a trout farm. It was. Remnants remain from the bygone days when hatcheries and race tanks spawned gaggles of trout and anglers.

Now, the handful of well-kept dams are stocked with bass in the summer…and replaced by trout in the winter.

An all round cool spot with lovely grass and trees, jungle gyms, a kiosk and licensed and families everywhere.

Water moves down from the top dams trickling through sluits down through the bottom ones. And they are each nicely populated with fish.

The bass dams at the top are the most picturesque and popular. The ponds are just the right size and are well maintained. Benches and shady gazebos dot the fishing spots – it is all very cozy and good fun.

Even when it all goes bad.

Andrew von Biljon had brought the A- team. His sons Dustin and Tristan. Johnny von Biljon brought his girlfriend Ansie. And I was the sole outsider.

In preparation, I spooled my Okuma Ceymar 30 with 5kg braid, and attached it all to a Sensational Adventure stick – the lightest model. Very nice feeling rig. Leaders and all.

I was fishing Mydo Buck Shot #1. Pearl white. A deadly offering that looked so good on my rig.

My first cast bought a cackle on as I overshot the end of the dam and squared the bull rushes. Vas!
But this happens to me a lot and usually a few solid strikes drawn from slack line shocks the ultra sharp hook through the grass, and free.

Not today.

Snap, went my new braid. Guffaw, went the Von Biljons.


Being so supremely confident meant that was my only leader, never mind my Buck Shot. And there was no way I could fight my way over those particular bull rushes. Steep bank. Perfect bass spot.

I quickly tied on a #1 Mydo Luck Shot rigged with a 4 inch plastic. A few casts and I was feeling great. In with a shot as the Von Biljon team occupied an entire quadrant with floats and worms. Their previous visit had produced so many fish that the kids were super amped. So were the adults.

Then I hit the bullrushes again. Exactly same result. Phwaaaar! Went the Von Biljons.


Extremely embarrassed I was disclaiming with the ultra light braid (is there such a thing?). But I could bite through it so I took off all the used braid and started again all fresh. As I was threading the last eye, I saw the problem. The tip had been smashed, probably against the roof of the tackle shop I got it from. Half of the super hard tip eye insert, was a blade. And I only had to touch my new braid on it lightly to cut it clean through.

So, once again and for the umpteenth time, I had to bypass my tip eye. I went off in search of fishing solitaire.

When I got to the farthest dam, in stealth mode ace out, there was nobody around. Skirting the bank, polaroids on, I could very clearly make out some huge fish, in the next bay between the bullrushes. Very slowly I stalked in and soon clearly made out the shoal of carp. Maybe 10 of them. They were burrowing under the bank, rolling about, tailing…but not quite spawning, barely a metre from my face. They were big enough. 3 to 5kg’s. I flicked my lure out behind them, dragged it slowly across a dik carp’s nose, and woosh, they were all gone.

I threw the Buck Shot a few times but had to accept, especially with the featureless bottom contour, that this was a carp dam.

But set up this video shot of the shoal when they had reassembled, a few minutes after I spooked them.

So back on up to the “bass” dam zone, where soon the recent rain, floods really, took the blame for the no-bite. But being extra determined I finally ended up at the place I started. After a couple of casts I got some pressure back?! A tiny strike and I was elated to see both sets of lost braid tangled in my luck shot. What a luck. And this was still new braid, only broken because of the smashed tip eye. So together, I jerked hard a few times and bingo! Both my lures and all the braid retrieved!

Dustin and Tristan, chose to fish for barbel in a lower dam. Gillie Andrew was hard at work keeping it all under control, when team Von Biljon went two sticks away!

I had cashed out, stoked to have my two lures back, and arrived on the scene for some pics, as this went down. The only fish of the entire day, from everyone there.

Well done Dustin and Tristan!

Lessons from the day:

1. Rod eyes, tips especially, are clearly a weak link. Braid and it’s odd characteristics exacerbate it all. Check every time.
2. Weather plays an enormous role in fish activity. It was a complete different story last visit to Footloose. They were jumping on every bait – exact same dam(n)s.
3. Never give up! Fish your life away!

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Chelsifire and The Rolling Stones

Chelsifire and The Rolling Stones

Chelsifire (aka Chelsea aka Smellsea) gave us her rendition of ‘Miss You’, by The Rolling Stones. Chelsea is a long serving member of staff, her focus mainly on quality control and sales.

She is also a mean fishing dog and has pounced on many a hapless ‘couta, tuna, dorado…as it hit the deck. She also howls like this when a rod goes, the best ratchet sound I ever heard. It’s like a joy filled siren.

Chelsea has done many seasons at sea, her favourite fishing grounds are the Inhambane waters between Praia do Rocha and Pomene. She has helped boat quite a few marlin. She loves the water, and at one point, when we passed an island, she just jumped off, of her own accord, and swam ashore?!

Her best bait is a freshly crushed ghost crab. She can murder 5 in a 5 seconds, when the moon is full. Her pet hates (ha ha) are terns (my favourite birds), and she could chase them up and down the Barra peninsula all day long. I think she suspects by now that the mightily intelligent tern has been purposely leading her into the shore-break at full speed, all this time?

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Bruce Gold checking in…

Bruce Gold checking in…

Bruce-I-fire frame grabbed flying thrlough the zone at you-know-where…

And another commentary instalment from Bruce Gold aka “Bruce-I-fire” as the winter swells start rolling in. Looks like JBay squeezed the most out of this little swell – by the time it reached us here on the KZN South Coast it was full of lumps and holes, like something bullied it off the Transkei coastline or something?!

So here’s some wide perspective video coming at you from the office overlooking Supertubes…of this last swell rolling in through the Bay…
