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Late season marlin at Bazaruto

Late season marlin at Bazaruto

Late season marlin at Bazaruto

With some good weather and great bait action, the late season marlin at Bazaruto put on a great show.

Captain Duarte Rato reports that April is actually a great time to target big blues out the back – especially if the weather holds. This April was decidedly otherwise with it’s weather, but the big boats enabled fishing in the canyons off Maragruque quite comfortable. Bait was plentiful, but the razor gang just kept chopping them to pieces. And so monst of the fish reported were taken on lures.

Vilankulos Fishing – Pablo & Nicolai´s first Bazaruto Experience!

And so a few blues featured amongst a few blacks, and finally at the end of April, the sailfish pitched up with the cooler water.

Wahoo and tuna also abounded, with the second annual wave of dorado making for some exciting strikes.

Get in touch with Duarte by clicking on over to his fantastic website and Captain’s Blog. Where you can read about all of Duarte’s marlin taming adventures worldwide. And book a trip!

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Bazaruto, Inhaca…fishing report by Duarte Rato

Bazaruto, report by Duarte Rato

Bazaruto, Inhaca…fishing report by Duarte Rato

Featuring the Bazaruto, Inhaca…fishing report by Duarte Rato, this end April 2017.

And another fantastico instalment by Captain Duarte Rato as he rounds up the last few incredible months fishing Southern Mozambique.

Duarte starts in Vilankulos, fishing Bazaruto, and moves down to Maputo, where he recently hosted a billfish catching school lesson…to assist the guys fishing out off Inhaca – capitalise on the amazing marlin bite being experienced out in those water lately.

Moving into May, the sailfish have made a light appearance with a few being reported between Margaruque and north to Inhassoro. It’s about to go saily mad and shortly the Vilankulos Sailfish competition will be staged in these waters.

More information here.

And read the full report by Duarte here

Bazaruto Fishing April 2017 – Wrap up




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Gearing up for shad season

This is the MYDO SS Spoon Shad in 3.2mm Stainless Steel specification 316 marine grade. Made in South Africa available at

Gearing up for shad season

Gearing up for shad season has become real fun as the market has presented us with so many ways to catch these delicious and sporty fish.

You don’t even need bait anymore!

Catching shad on lures, normally spoons, has been the national favourite past time for many. Now the art has been augmented with a wide range of options for the lure angler. Shad love it shiny whatever the colour. And a slow retrieve with gentle twitches to get the spoon acting like a live bait.

Leave the bait at home!

From MYDO we have the radical new range of SS Spoons. The twin blade design with lateral line holes together create a lot more fuss than regular spoons. The twin blades provide underwater sound that shad and kob love to hear. The lateral line holes make for huge casts on such light lures as they fly through the air unhindered aerodynamically. Then when the lure hits the water, the holes create cavitation of air and water leading to all sorts of wild and fish enticing effects. Bubbles and spray flying everywhere! Smoky bubble trails that fish can see for miles.

The shad season has been open a while now, but it’s usually from about now on, that things really start hotting up. As much as dreams are free – when divers Marc and Pierre (pictured below), saw and shot this giant shad – it was one of a shoal all about the same size. This shad had a karanteen trace in it’s mouth when it was taken off Chaka’s Rock in Umtentweni, KZN South Coast.

Marc-Lange-and-Pierre-de-Villiers-8.7kg-Shad. Shad season
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Inhaca Blue Marlin bite off the scale

Inhaca Blue Marlin bite off the scale

Inhaca Blue Marlin bite off the scale

Captain Duarte Rato of has his finger on the pulse up and down the East Coast of Africa, and has an amazing Inhaca Blue Marlin bite to report, this March 2017.

The recent sport fishing competition held from out of Inhaca, just out from Mozambiques capital, Maputo –  reported phenomenal numbers and more numbers of marlin action. The release only tourney was a huge success for the 13 boats, who each accounted for a minimum of three fish!

The winning teams raised so many marlin, that they lost count!

An excerpt from Captain Duarte’s report…

“Yolanda won the event with the release of 7 fish, four Blues and three stripes. However, they reported sixteen bites and over thirty raised fish – they said they lost count.

Then there were two boats with 5 releases; Hakuna Matata released 3 blues and 2 striped and Aquamarine 2 Blues and 3 stripes.

Gabri got 4 fish on the day. They released a blue and two Blacks and had another Blue die on them, which got tail wrapped and could not be revived.

The guys aboard Fourplay released 3 Blues, out of 12 they either missed or pulled – and they had 19 fish up for the day.

Other fish reported where a Black by Cheetah out of three bites, and they only fished until 9am. Nakisai also released 2 Blues amongst a number of strikes. Nana released two Blues and had another one sharked by an Oceanic Whitetip, the first ever time I have heard of a fish being sharked out wide in this fishery´s. They also lost another right by the leader, and reported about 15 bites! Another boat that reported a similar number of fish on the day was Mon Ami, although they failed to convert those except on one striped they released out of the whole lot. Bite Me II released two Blues, as well as DanDan.

That´s an average of more than 3 Marlin per boat per day and not a single one of the ten boats that where specifically targeting Marlin skunked! Again, this is weekend anglers, mostly fishing out of small outboard powered trailer boats!

The mind wonders… ?” – Captain Duarte Rato

Read the whole in depth report by Duarte here.

In the meantime, to get a marlin or other gamefishing trip together in Mozambique waters, get in touch with Duarte at

Enjoy the sweet gallery of Inhaca Blue Marlin action…

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A box of Mydos in the mail! Order your Mydos online at

A box of Mydos in the mail! Order your Mydos online at

Wish I was getting a box like this one, in the mail! Order your Mydos online at #mydolures #thesardine!

The Sardine News shop is back open to the public, in order to reach those anglers, whose tackle stores don’t stock our decades old and highly proven homegrown brand.  It’s a huge market. which Mydo team was leaving out, in order to rather distribute through the tackle stores around the country. No chance. But for a few really cool shops and distributors, The Mydo just cannot break into certain areas, without the support from the tackle store owners. Except by internet.

We are operating on an EFT basis. We have taken down our credit card payment facility completely, which benefits both us and you, in every transaction. They also take days to clear funds, and take a big bite. And we have had charge back and other problems with that payment system too. When the funds clear in our account, you get your stuff. Sometimes this means the same, or next day service!

We use good old Postnet. And they handle worldwide!

The shipping is calculated by weight to which zone, and is actually quite reasonable. Postnet have partnered with Aramex in order to supply this efficient and reliable service.

Delivery takes a few days internationally depending on many, many things, but your parcel will arrive. The table here is for out of South Africa deliveries. South Africa deliveries cost R99 per 5kg’s. Too easy! Your Mydos arrive at the Postnet, they call you, you pick up…you go fishing!

PGE Rates 2016
The MYDO range consists of the …


Luck Shots

SS Spoons

You can read all about The Mydo on the Mydo website at or on facebook at…

And see a list of dealers that are supporting local.

Finally, a big, very big thank you, to these shops, for stocking us and allowing us a channel to our loyal markets that have been using Mydos since the eighties. When Brian Davey first invented and marketed them. Respect!
