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The Daisy Chain

The Daisy Chain fished on a 30 for just in case

The Daisy Chain

Many rods actually vie for the mantle of being the most important rod on the boat. The live-bait jig sticks? The spinning stick? But there is one rig that really covers all bases and every situation – the good old Daisy Chain.

South African style. Three 3 or 4 inch feathers / min-eyes / jube-jubes / dusters…rigged in a row, about a half metre apart. Each with a single hook. I rig mine with wire…explanation to follow. But first let’s get clear that this ain’t no IGFA compliant rig. No sir! In fact, I got in touch with IGFA, and asked for clarification. Here with the cordial and timeous answer I received from Mr. Vitek.

“Thanks for the message. Based on your email, it does not appear that your rig would be IGFA legal as you mentioned that each of the feathers has a hook. IGFA rules only allow anglers to fish with a single hooked bait at a time. That said, if you were to only put a hook on the last feather, that would be IGFA compliant.”- Jack Vitek

So it seems we can fish the Daisy Chain in IGFA rules, so long as only the last feather has a hook in it.

So why all the fuss?

Billfish to bonito. That’s why. A sailfish or young marlin eagerly chooses the Daisy Chain over the other purpose rigged lures. Dorado smash them. Natal Snoek (Queen Mackerel) love them. Bonito – the pulse in our veins on any trip – devour Daisy Chains – even multiple baits on one chain sometimes. Couta of all sizes. Skipjack. Kakaap. All sorts…

In fact the Daisy Chain not only catches anything and everything, even shad – but they give you back another advantage – intel. You can glean data from the daisy chain, as to what is going on, and act accordingly. They are like feelers out there, just letting you know what’s going on at that present moment.

Daisy Chains can drag fast too – really small form factor – they kind of keep each other in the water and not flying about like a single lure rig at the high speeds we sometimes try at. Natal Snoek love the higher speeds as much as billfish do.

And now, if you rig the Daisy with an extended wire tag end that doubles over and back, to become a clip for piece of fillet, and a real strong hook with real strong wire – you have a Strip Bait Daisy Chain. I say strong wire (#8 at least) – mainly for resilience because the Daisy is normally going quite fast and is always in the white water, playing second fiddle to the tag lines and outside rigged lures. So it can’t even really be clearly seen – so it’s fine to rig up on wire. Especially since the Daisy is lying just in front of the inside konas, and right above the deep diving rattlers – and just behind the second teaser.

The middle of all the action!

The two uprights back corners are where the Daisy Chains run nicely. If the wind blows, put them flat next to the deep divers
The two upright back corners are where the Daisy Chains run nicely. If the wind blows, put them flat next to the deep divers.

These modified and wired Daisy Chains will soon be available from Mydo Lures. Look out for The Mydo range at a tackle store near you. If your local tackle store doesn’t stock The Mydo, try

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Garrick season with GT Adventures

Garrick season with GT Adventures

Garrick season with GT Adventures, based on the beaches of the fish fantastic KZN North Coast – is on right now! The garrick stick around right into November, with the main bite going on right now.

It’s been consistent and spread out this year, as in there were no real days so far, where the garrick all went mad at the same time! Whenever this happens, anyone with a mullet can get a garrick. Resulting in many, many fish being taken in one day.

That’s not garrick fishing!

Stalking the channels, gulleys, points, ledges and bays…on foot with your guide, who knows every crevice. Fly rod in hand. Or spinning stick if you prefer. Matched tackle. Hundreds of hours of preparation in the bank. Releasing your fish alive and well. Now that’s garrick fishing.

And that’s how JP Bartholomew does it.

With a tremendous knowledge of literally every garrick aimed lure on the market, JP fishes with a varied and wholesome approach to these smashing fish. His first choice is always gonna be the fly rod but sometimes the spinning rig is just better for the conditions. And so the two disciplines go together real nicely. A great way to fish for the wide variety of gamefish that haunt our beautiful KZN Coastline.

GT Adventures operate mainly on the northern part of this stretch of coast. Incredible reef, clean and warm water, long beaches, points and bays – it takes an eye to choose where to fish. Local knowledge. Or you will get nowhere. GT operate with a backup system and team, so you don’t have to leave your car parked anywhere at all. Totally safe and organised.

For extended trips to secret fishing destinations, or a destination of your choice, GT Adventures assists with the pre-arrangements, and other fishing related logistics. Tackle. Anything else that GT can help with, to plan out your dream fishing holiday.

To get in touch, pls fill out the form at this link.

Fish with GT Adventures and JP Bartholomew
Fish with GT Adventures and JP Bartholomew
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Catching blacktail

Captain Blacktail

Catching blacktail

Trolling gulleys and walking beaches, light scratching stick in hand, a few sardines…blacktail fishing!

It’s called scratching for a reason – angling for blacktail is a great escape for when things are all quiet on the big baits. And they make a great live bait too.

All you need is a christmas tree trace decorated with two or three or four tiny little hooks, a little bit of sardine and squid, with which to make up juicy little mixed grills, and a little sinker to hold it down. Chuck the rig into the white water and do your best to keep from tangling with the rocks.

Blacktail bite hard and are easy to hook. They put on a great show, and a big one like the one featured will make you think you have a big shad. They swim and hunt with the shad and the angry little fish have even been caught jumping on lures meant for shad. They also happen out deeper, but mainly, sticking right in the shallows puts you in the game.

You can find black tail all over the place, up and down our eastern seaboard. The Transkei Wild Coast and surrounds would literally be a blacktail guarantee. Staying with us down at The Umzimkulu Marina puts you in with a shout, only a short distance north or south. The KZN lower south coast has many, literally endless, rocky headlands strewn with gulleys and boulders and all sorts of features that the ‘tail love.

Jonny van Biljon hoists his outsized blacktail, caught recently, on his honeymoon!
Jonny van Biljon hoists his outsized blacktail, caught recently, on his honeymoon!

Get in touch on for any of your south coast fishing requirements.

Click here for more about The Umzimkulu Marina…

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Maputo: old and new

Maputo: old and new

When I first drove into Maputo, in 1991, I was astounded.

It was bigger then than Pretoria was at the time!

The skyline grew into the clouds as we got closer, the buildings were so impressive from far. But when we got close we saw the destruction wrought. It was chaos. The holes in the road (don’t read potholes), could have fit our whole car in! And hardly anyone had clothes. I am not joking. Rags.

And then there were the AK47’s. Everyone had one. And no uniforms. So we never knew who we were giving our money to!

But come into Maputo today…

The new bridge to Catembe, a year or so away from completion, completely takes over the skyline. The buildings have all been brought back into operation of sorts (some have no lifts still, to ten floors or more – cheap rent). But it’s the new buildings that are just to gawdily over impressive.

This gallery is an attempt to balance the old and the new…in a town that is growing and growing, in so many aspects. Commerce. Tourism. Manufacturing. Farming. Crime. Corruption. Yes, watch out. As with every boom town, the criminals are there. Petty, blue and white collar, and sometimes violent. My dear friend was recently violently mugged of her cellphone on the way home from theatre at night. And it’s on the up, so please, take every precaution. Especially with the uniformed sort. They are well known to plant something on your for extortion purposes. And having watched enough western movies, are quite good at what they do.

But staying positive, Maputo is growing into a cultural centre where many races and creeds live together, and prosper. Hence the gallery, which stems from the nostalgic feeling I get, driving past the old LM Radio building, the grand theatres downtown, the stone warehouses on the foreshore, the colonial grandeur in the old administration buildings…and the quaintly adorned streets and roads.

Trees everywhere.

A beautiful African city.

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Cell C Goodwave Stays On Hold For Upcoming Swell

Cell C Goodwave 2017

Cell C Goodwave Stays On Hold

Durban – The contest organisers of the Cell C Goodwave have made the decision to keep the event on hold, and not call a Green Light for the forecast Monday 15th / Tuesday 16th May swell.

According to the event’s official swell forecaster Spike from, the storm comes in hard and fast and right up against the coast, bringing wild seas and stormy weather. By the time conditions are good, the swell is dropping off.

“Although there is going to be a lot of swell on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, it’s looking mixed up with wind chop and swell coming in together, in other words, the short, medium and longer period swell coming straight off the conveyor belt and into the coast. There will be waves that are big enough, and perhaps individually good rides, but it’s not the perfect, lined up swell that the Goodwave thrives on.”

“We want a swell that has travelled a little longer, and comes in as clean, pure groundswell lines, rather than a storm swell right on top of us,” he said.

In the absence of a good swell approaching, here is the Cell C Goodwave teaser video to display exactly what sort of waves we are looking for the run this event.

Cell C Goodwave 2017
Cell C Goodwave 2017

The contest organisers, along with Spike, will continue to monitor the early season swells to find the best possible day to run this event. The tournament has a one-year waiting period that ends on 31 December 2017, so there is plenty of time and opportunity to get the right day to run it. Invited surfers are reminded to be on alert and watch the Cell C Goodwave website and Facebook page for updates.

Rated as a World Surf League Specialty Event, the contest costs one Rand to enter, and has a massive first prize of R100k, the largest domestic prize for the sport in South Africa. The contest also has jetski assist for all competitors.

The Cell C Goodwave is a South African Surfing Legends event, with Jason Ribbink the contest director.

California Dreaming, overlooking New Pier on the beachfront, will host the competition on the day. Oakley and Sun International are both supporting sponsors.

The Cell C Goodwave – in loving memory of Lee Wolins.

For more information contact


The contest is also sanctioned by Surfing South Africa. It is an invite-only event.

About The World Surf League
The World Surf League (WSL), formerly the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), is dedicated to celebrating the world’s best surfing on the world’s best waves through a variety of best-in-class audience platforms. The League, headquartered in Santa Monica, is a truly global sport with regional offices in Australasia, Africa, North America, South America, Hawaii, Japan and Europe.
For more information, please visit

About Cell C
Cell C is a leading mobile operator in South Africa offering consumers a wide range of products and services. Offering some of the best value in the market, Cell C prides itself on innovation and value-for-money products and services. Cell C is currently the only mobile operator in South Africa to offer customers Free Facebook and basic Internet services through Facebook’s Free Basics. It is also the only mobile operator in South Africa to offer customers Wi-Fi Calling services commercially. Supported by its highly advanced network covering 98% of the country’s population, Cell C offers 2G, 3G, LTE and LTE-Advanced services. Cell C is also the proud sponsor of the Cell C Sharks and Miss South Africa.
