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Spearfishing report for KZN

Spearfishing report for KZN

A very bad start to April conditions. The coast has been hammered by big surf. Guys launching from DUC have been getting fish. Surf is set to pick up to 2.5m Friday night dropping off during the day Saturday with not much wind. Sunday morning is looking better with a light north east blowing through the day and the surf drops to 1.5m. There is viz Ballito area and middle south coast area. Please be careful if you try Saturday morning. Big surf can be life threatening. Snoek have been a bit ellusive and king mackerel are still north. As always dive safe and straight spears.

“Thank you Jason Heyne for the weekly report”


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Natal Snoek feature in Jason Heyne’s report from underwater

A beautiful shot of a beautiful Natal Snoek just recently speared

Natal Snoek feature in Jason Heyne’s report from underwater

Jason Heyne checking in with a cool report noting the ongoing presence of sporadic shoals of Natal Snoek, common this time of the year. Presumably they are preparing for the oncoming bait and sardine season, as are we all!

“Sea conditions have been average this week with the weather staying outside the prediction. Some decent fish have been landed. Snoek are still in shallow on the north coast chasing sprat bait balls. Good viz has been reported north and south this Friday with fish activity on North coast. Tomorrow morning (Saturday) there is a gap in the morning before a north east starts to blow. Surf is bigger south north is better for a dive. Sunday a moderate southwesterly blows from early on with the swell picking up. As always dive safe and straight spears. “

And as always – “Enjoy the picture show!”

Many thanks Jason!

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KZN Spearfishing report

KZN Spearfishing report

KZN spearfishing report as prepared underwater by Jason Heynes…thanks Jason!

“Saturday morning the west came through and put paid to diving for the rest of the week till today with big surf dominating the coast line. The sea looked like it was coming right Thursday but a strong north easterly today (Friday) churned it up again. Snoek and big cuda are still around with big tropical yellow tail on deeper pinnacles. This afternoon the west has already started blowing and will pick up towards and during Saturday with the surf at 1.8m. The South West drops off Saturday night and surf drops to 1.6m Sunday with not much wind in the morning. So Sunday morning should be good for a dive. The best viz has been reported in the middle south coast area. Well done Gary Uys on pipping the South African dusky rubber lips record with a 10.6 kg fish! (Still to be verified). As always dive safe and straight spears. “

Thanks Jason!

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KZN Dive Report by Jason Heyne

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Jason Heyne checking in…

Jason Heyne checking in…

“Jason Heyne writes us about last weeks action…”
Sea conditions this week have been below average with some fair size swell around and dirty water inshore. Good news is the sea is settling nicely this afternoon (Friday). Also according to Craig 😉 big swell equals big fish. The East will drop off tonight then come back with a vengance tomorrow morning (Saturday) so an early start would be on the cards. High tide is early as well and Queen Mackerel will be hunting the shallows at first light. The East blows through the night jacking the swell to close on 2m by Sunday morning. Viz up and down the coast varies from 1to 6m with much better viz out deep. As always dive safe and straight spears.