23 May 2023 Sardine Report – first shoal pulverised?
23 May 2023 Sardine Report – first shoal pulverised?: Kevin at Qhora Mouth near Mazeppa checks in with his always interesting and informative observations. Kevin logged some more interesting sightings over the last 48 hours. Including reports of gazillions of gannets heading south back past him last evening (21st May 2023).
It seems they have been gorging themselves on that first rather large shoal. Along with sharks, gamefish and cetaceans of all sorts including the dolphin gang. Who are making the most of their patient wait for this very moment.
If any remnants of this first shoal get past these marauding predators, it will be surprising. But those gannets heading south again like that only mean one thing…
Our online surveys where the public is encouraged to participate, have validated the whereabouts of this first shoal. Won’t be long until we get more pics and vids to add to this years collection.
Don’t forget…you can stay up to date and in touch with the sardines at the Sardine Run 2023 Sightings Map page on The Sardine News. Access that right here…
Get right out there among it all with Umzimkulu Adrenalin. Fishing or ocean safaris. Even land-based tours this year!
Stay in the epi-centre of the KZN sardine run in Port Shepstone. At the Umzimkulu Marina. Self-catering and right on the bank of the Umzimkulu River. Full of fish and access to the ocean. Excellent fishing at the Sandspit.
If it’s fish you are after, MYDO Fishing Lures features in the Sardine News store. And has its own international website in USD at https://mydofishinglures.co.za.