Windy Week for KZN by Adam Kamdar 7am 15 Oct
Windy Week for KZN by Adam Kamdar, 7 am, 15 Oct: It’s the weekly October showdown between the north and south winds, the high-pressures vs. the low-pressures.
Over to Adam…
Thank you Adam! And also for the colourful gallery from this bright and breezy morning…

During October in KZN we are stuck in a battle zone between the north and south winds. High-pressures vs Low-pressures. An ongoing showdown that can result in some really weird and windy weather scenarios.
Like today!
We have a bona fide Monkey’s Wedding going on on the KZN South Coast. It is sunny skies, rain and rainbows right now. Spectacular. Complemented by the stiff south wind blowing in from the colder climes, and a lively south swell meant to be up to 5m out deep today.
Quite a show!
Durban misses these big open ocean swells. But from the beach, you can clearly see them out there. Marching past like elephants in a real hurry. Pitched against the prevailing south-to-north flowing Agulhas Current, these swells stand right up.
Today is not a day to be deep-sea fishing or anything of the sort.
These are inclement conditions for shipping too. And the main reason that Lloyds of London Shipping Insurance would not ever insure any ships out off the Wild Coast. These waters are where an inordinate amount of wind and swell energy winds up. Turning the ocean into one big pothole. It was on a day like today that the cruise ship the Oceanos succumbed. Read the full story right here: https://www.pressreader.com/south-africa/sunday-tribune-south-africa/20170226/281870118214303
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