Who gonna get the 1st couta this 2022/23 season?
Who gonna get the 1st couta this 2022/23 season?
Last year the spearos won this race by a nautical mile. Gavin Nell shot this fish way early. So early. October early! Out on the shoal in some clean and warm conditions.
The year before went to the kayakers. Two fish were caught on the very same day. On the very same outing. In November! The first fish in a hatch was by Jonno Gouws. A few moments later, Justin Campbell got an even bigger one. They both paddled their fish in at Winkle with the wind blowing them south at speed.
Enjoy the video with authentic sound byte from the kayak…
Quick gallery of that wondrous day…back on the beach!

We seem to have missed this year’s first couta.
We had thought we caught the first couta this season on the Niteshift. But it turned out someone else had gotten one a few days before. Please Like and Subscribe and ring that stupid little YouTube bell icon!
You can get to the channel here – TSN.
Back to the present
So ok, we are good to go down here on the all-of-a-sudden sunny KZN South Coast. Spring has most definitely shown some interest. The fishing is as good as it gets.
We have the Umzimkulu Estuary here in a pristine state as the big tides recently have allowed the salt water to come right in and flush the place right out. You can see the full picture by watching the video in this post. Shot a week ago, it is extremely revealing.
The garrick and kob have arrived.
We have accommodation options at Umzimkulu Marina. We run charters and all sorts of adventures at Umzimkulu Adrenalin.
And you can follow it all on The Sardine News!