More Saints trash
I pulled up behind local surfer “Poison” of the South Coast, at the main Umzumbe intersection. In front of him stood an Audi TT. GP plate. The huge tattooed driver drained his can of Hunter’s Dry, and popped it out of his window, onto our road. It’s a busy intersection which gave our hero Ryan plenty time to observe, plan, and react. He proceeded to to yank his handbrake, and leave his vehicle, approach the huge steroid bodybuilder idiot twice Ryan size, pick up the can, and lop it straight back from whence it came. He then uttered a one liner to the effect of – “Don’t litter the South Coast”, and got back in his car.
We all proceeded merrily.
Thanks Ryan! Respect.
Fast forward to today, Monday 30 January 2017.
Dawn patrol…
And more Saints trash.
A veritable tonne of litter lays in waste, all over the St. Mikes carpark this spritely Monday morning. And the beautiful grass. And even on the beach!?
Green cans alcohol and bottles dominated the landscape pointing obvious fingers at the guilty collective.
It’s becoming the norm as trashy people descend on idyllic beaches up and down our coast, laying them to waste like this. Every weekend. I see it in every place I go really. Every beach. Every park. Everywhere I go.
If we’re perceived as the ultimate Rainbow Nation worldwide, leading in democracy and freedom, then it’s best we develop our culture in a manner that doesn’t shame our very existence.
Like littering.
There just can’t be a more shameful trait in anyone’s character, than the aptitude to throw down rubbish.
At the time of finishing this rant, two municipal workers had started collecting the rubbish. This seems to be the excuse given us the most, each time we have affronted the litterers.
“It’s the municipality worker’s job?!”
In the meantime, you can expect this to go and on until we can educate the perpetrators of this embarrassing new national past-time.