National Garrick Day
It’s all about the garrick on the lower south coast of KZN, as they are being spotted and shot at, any point a spearo swims out to. They are in shoals and averaging about 8 to 10kg’s and marauding the plentiful shad and other baitfish in the backline.

Carl Gous (as usual), got his two in the bag on Friday, and tussled with three more as the excellent and ruthless fighters tried bending his spear inside out.
But it hasn’t been National Garrick Day yet. This happens on a rare day in September times, when the garrick come right in close, and into the estuaries, to spawn. After this big party, the fish are ravenous and will just about eat anything. That’s National Garrick Day, and there are sometimes two of them down here at The Sandspit, spaced about a week apart.
There is no early warning system in place for National Garrick Day, and the ones who find out first try keep it under wraps until word gets out and the floodgates open completely.
The following video was shot on National Garrick Day in 2008, and features some of the more (in)famous characters that fish The Sandspit and The Block all year round.