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Great White caught on GoPro

Great White caught on GoPro

Well this is worth a watch!

Some serious gonads as this healthy and inquisitive killing machine makes several approaches to an amazingly calm spearfisherman.

The dude holds his ground magnificently as the huge fish appears out of the gloom like some sort of sinister submarine.

The more you watch this stuff the better!

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Jay Steenkamp in the barrel at St. Mikes

Jay Steenkamp in the barrel at St. Mikes (August 2014)

Repost from August 2014: As we move into the south coast winter conditions we have all been waiting for here is some motivation to get onto the press ups and sit ups routines. Jay Steenkamp proving that it does actually barrell at Saints, sometimes…looking forward to Jay’s GoPro antics again this year…”

Now this is how you take a selfie pal! (c) Jay Steenkamp

GoPro cameras have certainly changed the way we view surfing. Jay Steenkamp has mastered the tricky take-off to holding the camera behind out behind him as he negotiates some solid pits at Saints this winter.

A sand dredging tuberide view from the inside...
A sand dredging tuberide view from the inside…(c) Jay Steenkamp

And then while sitting around in the line up, if you have a GoPro, you can film the gamefish hammering baitfish around your legs…like this profile shot of what seems to be a Greater Barracuda…yeah, the ones with TEETH! Toes up Jay!

What could it be?
What could it be? (c) Jay Steenkamp

Thanks for the photos Jay, keep ’em coming!

Jay is also our sardine spotter in the air as he works for the Natal Sharks Board…who fly a plane up and down the coast in the sardine season, reporting on the action. Unfortunately, there is still nothing to report, it looks to be another bleak run for our sorely missed sardines.

You can keep up to date with the marine life and activity by visiting our Sightings section…an interactive map with markers reflecting the positions of marine animals, like whales, sardines and dolphins.

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The Best Gopro Clip Ever?

The Best GoPro Clip Ever?

Surfline and Gopro have conspired to bring us the challenge of best GoPro surfing clip shot between 1 May 2014 and 31 September 2014, for a grand prize of $20 000!

The entry above, by Benji Weatherly at Donkey in Namibia, will be extremely difficult to beat. Where else you gonna find so many barrels on one wave?

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South Coast surf shooting!

John van Reenen
John van Reenen

Craig Sinclair operates under the handle of Baconovich (c) when he shoots surfing. Here he features three strong images – the surfing being done by John van Reenen, Gary Maisch and Greg Defillipi. Early this very morning on the lower south coast – in amongst the shad and shad fishermen’s lines and baits!

Earlier on, Greg was in the water when the beach erupted in screams as two teenagers were swept away in the strong current. Greg was quick to the rescue and pulled them both to safety.

Gary Maisch
Gary Maisch

Greg Defilippi
Greg Defilippi – “Rescue Reddy”

