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Bazaruto in November: Mayhem

Bazaruto in November: Mayhem

The last 4 days fishing we have raised a total of 15 Black Marlin, releasing a total of 6. There is a lot of fish around but bites are a bit lazy so not the best hook-up ratio.

However this is incredible fishing by any standards and today we started with Rod, Carmen and Gordon Janz from Canada and had another blasting day in flat calm seas. Twenty minutes into it Carmen hooked into a very big fish that stripped 300 meters of line before coming undone. We then had another fish miss the lure and then one about 300 pounds that come off immediately after the strike. Finally at noon we hooked up solid and Carmen managed to release her first ever Black marlin at about 200 pounds on #50 pound tackle. The afternoon was slower and we only raised a fish about 400 that never struck the lure.

Bazaruto in November: Black Marlin action off the charts…(c) Duarte Rato
If you want to see this in real life…Get yourself to Bazaruto Island and go fishing with Captain Duarte Rato!
Carmen Janz about to say goodbye to her first Black Marlin (c) Duarte Rato