Cooking waves at Saint Michaels today this 18 July 2017
There are cooking waves at Saint Michaels today this 18 July 2017, as the attached super photo by undercover sardine spy Jay Steenkamp, shows. Jay has no sardine news to report, but these big swells and cold conditions are pre-requisites and precursors to their hopeful arrival.
Some other cool pics submitted lately, that portray south coast, living this time of the year…

Come and enjoy the sunny (well most days!) south coast of KZN Natal, with the team at The Umzimkulu Marina. Check out their website and get in touch here http://umzimkulu.co.za
For more information on the annual sardine run, click here for a listing of all recent 2107 reports…
And a cool video clip from Offshore Africa in Port St. Johns, showing yet another baitball down south on The Wild Coast…