Spear fishing report by Jason Heyne
This weekly KZN spear fishing report by Jason Heyne really is inspiring. The fish are all right out there, we just got to try harder!!!
Over to Jason…
“The sea conditions this week have been average with a bit of swell.
Even with the north east on the sea this afternoon (Friday) it was still good both north and south coast. There’s a light offshore Saturday with a 1.2m swell running and even flatter on Sunday at 0.9m also with a light offshore wind. There is good viz on the south and north coasts. Garrick and snoek are wild on the south coast and starting to show on the lower north coast as well. Some large king mackerel are around and apparently some wahoo! The sardines are still down at Port St Johns and only a significant drop in sea temperature will get them coming up the coast. Make sure you find plenty excuses to go diving because this weekend is going to be epic! As always dive safe and straight spears. “
Thank you Jason!

A great artice! If you want some helpful infrormation about spearfishing then http://www.spearomaniac.com might come in handy