My BEAST of a Black Tip Kingfish + One.
It was Monday avie I had motivated Myself to go and fish My stretch I enjoy so much I had some New lures had to put to the test for HANTA… Rods and Lures which I am a Pro staff Member for them on the East Coast and HANTA is situated in the USA…!! Well I left home for Umdloti Beach it was around 15: 30pm when I arrived and touched down onto the beach sand.I had My ASSASSIN 11ft AMIA KOB HEAVY ROD fitted with My Sustain 5000 with 30lb Braid and I put on My New Lure from HANTA The SNECON 130S Surface Lure 27g I was rigged and ready to target the Holy Grail of fish My favourite the KINGFISH.
I started My walk along My stretch the conditions were pearl the water was warm and blue the tide was going out and a slight SW was blowing what a epic avie to tackle a Monster of a fish.I unleashed the New SNECON Lure set My drag and started My Quest for a Beast hopefully I stared getting closer to where I knew where My arch enemy the Kingfish hung around calling on the as I normally do I was hoping one or two would hear Me here kingie,kingie I would call obviously I was by Myself otherwise people would be a little worried about Me Ha hahaha….!! My aim on fishing My stretch was to see how active it became as the Sun was setting and as well on the tides too that day the tide was out going and low was at 18:37pm that evening.I had planned to do the same the following week on the pushing in tide, but unfortunately We had that Cyclone from Mozambique hitting us which would throw the sea upside down for a while.
I finally reached My favourite spot I started casting into the white water to the shorebreak where the Kingfish always like to ambush baitfish, Mullet, Baby Octopus and other small fish. I had a couple of casts into the white water zone before not to long I went tight and got smashed. It’s always a pleasure watching the line go tight the tip of the rod bend and other least hearing that Shimano music as that Predator of a kingfish fish screams off to try and cut you off on the rocks such fierce dirty fighter’s you’ll ever come across.My advantage on this incredible fighting machine was besides holding the rod high retrieving your line backas quick as possible and tightening your drag slightly was it was low tide and Him having any chance of cutting you off well was a 80% chance don’t get Me wrong it happens and if you let your guard down trust Me He will tear you apart and that bend in your rod will hit YOU smack in the face BOOOOOM hence cherry nose.I knew I had some kind of Kingfish on you can tell by the aggressive head shakes the screaming off and He’s determination to cut you off quickly.I kept My rod high and slowly started walking backwards to at the same time pulling him away from the reef which is scattered all around which you had to be on the ball and most importantly having a good pair of Polirized Sunglasses which helps inhancing your vision on seeing where your fish is and where the structure lies.So never leave home without a good pair of Polirized sunglasses if you don’t have I suggest you get a pair soon.
Keeping My rod high and gaining My line back I was slowly getting the better of him He had turned and I had him in the shorebreak and I started using the waves to my advantage to land him on the beach it wasn’t long before I got him smack bang into a wave as it hit the shore withthe retreating water falling back leaving my Kingfish stranded on the beach quickly winding inthe slack and pulling him higher up from the waters edge I had landed a small Geeeeeet aka Gaint Ignobilis an on the New HANTA SNECON 130S Surface Lure. I was in my element with the catch but mostly for Me catching it on this epic SNECON 130S Lure,finally some pressure off Me thank you and yes please. I had a Indian angler who came over to see what I had caught he told me he saw me the next minute he just saw the rod bend and cme rushing over.I asked Him to take a Pic for Me and quickly getting the Geeeeeet back into the water I got him going again could feel the tial wanting to go and opened my hand and watched it swim away to fight another day hopefully.We’ll having landed My first successful Geeeeeet on the SNECON 130S Lure I decide to give that spot a chance to settle down after continuously throwing a lure into the water and then fighting a small Geeeeeet that was swimming around showing signs of panic which you don’t really want to give away if you especially wanted to come back later and try again on My return trip back to My car.
I headed off to finish off my normal stretch I fish because not all or any fish at that like to hang out in the same area’s pending on how the baitfish look and seek shelter for the night trying to avoid Predators that lurk them shallows looking for a meal or two.I stopped for a pause just to check my surroundings to see if maybe I could see any activity on the waters surface like chases or small bait fish jumping which would indicate some Predatory fish activity in the area the water was looking so nice and had dropped quickly outgoing which showed up the structural era’s and reef beds you knew then it was almost dead low but along my stretch it still kept a few bays full and still good to flick a surface lure around.I continued with my walk and casting it on the water’s and in hoping hooking into something decent and without loosing my only SNECON 130S Surface Lure.I was reaching the end of my stretch where I turn around and start my walk back to where I park my car and re-fishing all my special spots just hoping for that epic smash on my lure and a big explosion of water that comes with it.Still keeping to the SNECON 130S Surface Lure 27g I started my walk back it was around 17:30pm I know because I looked specifically to see what time it was coinciding with the sun setting behind hills behind me which casted that shadow I’ve been waiting for to see and test the increase in activity if none,most Predatoryal fish like to use darkness to there successful catching of there prey.
I was half way when I stopped at my one Geeeeeet spot for a few more casts after 15 minutes I moved on never sticking around much longer than that obviously with the Geeeeeet been caught and released they felt uncomfortable if any.I wind in my lure and move on forward the sun was gone just Me and my footprints were left as I walked on.It was 17: 57 pm I stopped for a last look at the surroundings and a well deserved water break viewing my surroundings and what a sight it is the sea air the smell and the sound of small waves breaking onto the beach I felt I was the only one trapped on a island and it was all mine.
My final hurdle homeward bound stretch I unhooked my SNECON 130S Surface Lure and started my casting towards the drop offs that were visable after the white water receded back giving me the chance to see were my lure was at all time’s which is always a exciting thing one so you don’t loose it on the rocks am most importantly and hopefully watching it get Smashed right in front of your very own eye’s On thank you Dad……!!!. Well for reason something made me stop dead in my track’s what it was I still couldn’t tell you was it a intuition was it a voice or was it God whispering in my ear JP Happy Birthday Buddy well a very early Birthday Present.
I just stood there for a while and watched the water coming and going in this bay with a partial sand bank at the back with a deepish channel but when the white water cleared it just looked so how could one say it o yes damn this is a fine piece of water then something sort of smacked me wake up which funnily I did I check my drag and made sure everything was still set when I rigged everything together happy I was I waited for a gap and cast my lure just behind the shorebreak as the white water cleared to blue and worked my SNECON 130S Surface Lure across the water walk the dog, rapid pulls,skipped it just to attract if anything a nice Kingfish of some sort making just enough noise and small splashes would attract any predator fish in the visinity and will come to investigate what’s going on.
I had a couple of casts and standing quietly I just kept going like I just couldn’t stop myself from flicking into the shorebreak the water cleared once again and I flick my SNECON 130S Surface Lure and started retrieving it slowly when from the corner of left eye I picked up a movement as I turned I just saw this silvery fish swimming in the direction of the lure at a rapid speed the water just parted in front of it as I watched it swimming up to it my hands tightened one on the rod and thee other on my reel handle embracing what was just about to happen I kept my calm and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM… This kingfish literally jumped out at it and cartwheeled hitting the surface lure I’d say 2 meters in front of Me,the splash actually wet me as it disappeared into the surf the line we t tight the rod bent the reel was screaming yes I shouted On Dad won’t say what I really said close enough but I had just witnessed my best ever smash by a kingfish the adrenaline rush kicked in an in seeing the size of it I new I was in for a fight but that was the least of my worries what was going through my head was just keep it off the rocks this is a prize fish and once in a lifetime pic gripping the rod tight and lifting it as high as possible I slowly started retrieving the line and slowly tighting the drag slowly not wanting it to snap the braid at any given time He could just take off leaving me with water in my face but I quickly pulled on Him and turned him slightly away from open water and reef.
As I retrieved line back I also used the sand bank to my advantage getting a little above him and walking backwards and tugging on the rod retrieving line help and in no time I had him in the channel with another half a meter from the shore line winding and moving down towards the water I cranked again and pulled hard l waited for the next wave to try and land him before he got a second wind in him and true’s I should of kept my mouth shut he bolted again but it was him or me and I chose Me I just hit drag slightly stopped him almost dead in he’s tracks and turned him again bring him in closer to the shorebreak I again waited for the next wave make or break I was tiered and I’m sure he felt the same way a wave finally picked up and as it rolled in just gave it my all and thank goodness I landed it on the beach but It was still to close toe the waters edge and I pulled on him a little further up onto the sand and ran down and grabbed him knowing I had this incredible specimen of a kingfish I just fell backwards mostly out of breath look straight up a said thank you Lord. I was numb,tiered my arms we’re sore and I was still speechless at what I had just experienced and I actually landed a BEAST of a Black FinTip Kingfish I could thank the Lord more that avie it was a dream fish come true for me that avie and it will be a memory I’ll never ever forget.
Out there, there are many bigger and better challenge’s that I hope to Conquer but today I’m happy with my Beautiful Black Tip Kingfish and it’s these kind of experiences and catches that set higher standards and your Quest for that 60 kilo + We all want to catch and get that memorable picture of you holding that king of the Sea the Gaint Ignobilis aka The Geeeeeet.
I was excited still a little shaky and wonted to get him back as soon as possible but there was no one around when I heard a dog barking and I was so badly hoping someone was coming my way throwing water over him and keeping him wet with thee odd water through he’s gills I eventually had a couple I called out and the gentleman was kind enough to run to me quickly and take photos of me holding my prize catch damn that’s a big fish He a eventually said to me giving back my cell phone it was a Awsome sound hearing him say that I knew then it was reality and not a dream.We eventually got to releasing him back safely as he swam off not winning this round but hopefully the next round What a feeling what a fish what a Memroble cathedral it will always be.