Categories: Report

KZN in for a Rinse – Rain for a few Days

KZN in for a Rinse – Rain for a few Days

KZN in for a Rinse – Rain for a few Days: Although the rain moved in hard at some places along the coast yesterday, it was really patchy most of the time. Almost sunny. Then a downpour. And so on…as of today, the rain is set to stay a few days longer.

Over to Adam with today’s update…


Thank you Adam!

And a little gallery…

Fishing by Sean Lange

Saturday, however, was a really good fishing day. Many little kob down here on the SKZN coast. In the estuary here at Port Shepstone. And off the beach there was fun being had too. Not sure where the big ones are hiding though. Will check with the spearos as to what is going on when they report in later.

Brusher have been featuring in the spearo reports for a good month now. And plenty anglers are popping brusher photos on the internet too. These fish will hang around for a bit longer. But will depart south again when the rains come. Get your gulley game on!

Natal Snoek are still banging about the north coast. Ideal for kayak anglers and the like. Dragging around a little well-dressed fillet bait will put you in the game. And if you are really lucky, you might get a cast in from the beach. The backline is real close in some places and with a modern rig it is within very easy reach. A little shiny spoon that can really travel is your best bet. Crank that thing!

And you might catch a garrick at the same time. Throwing a spoon over the waves anywhere you can reach clear water puts you in the garrick game too. Snoek and garrick hunt in the same shallow waters.

For more about fishing click on over to Use the species menu above (Tackle) to kit yourself out for whatever fish you are after.

Join is here down south for some fishing and nature on Transkei Wild Coast adventures listing soon!

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Sardines n Sighting Maps

It has been a fantastic sardine run this memorable 2024. And all the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. This year’s map has been viewed 188,000 times and keeps growing.

Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. This year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! And a freaking tornado! And recently a capsized KZNSB boat!

These events will from now on be included in the Sardine News Sightings Map for 2024. And on the 1 January 2025, we shall start all over again.

Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps. Great for a windy day like today to research. With instructions to install The Sardine News right on your phone or desktop.

2024 Sardine Map

2023 Sardine Map

2022 Sardine Map

2021 Sardine Map


Brucifire Surf Retorts – highly entertaining  surf reporting

Master Watermen – news from way down deep

The Sardine News – neva miss a single  sardine

FishBazaruto – 1000 pounds plus

MYDO Tackle Talk – highly technical  sport fishing

Surf Launching Southern Africa – getting out there safely

Water Woes – complain about your municipality here

Websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –  will get you right out and onto the edge – never miss a single sardine – news from deep down – MYDOs for global ordering

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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  • Lotsa luv I think you hands all my details, note and then, I love reading what you are up to. Wish we were closer

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