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Jeffreys bay today by Brucifire

Miki Dora, his dog Skooter-boy, Bruce Gold, Clive and Eddie Godfrey holding court at The Fullstop

Jeffreys bay today by Brucifire

Today its overcast n cold 25 out at supers 10 at point..been 50 out at supers on the good day but more good days coming. A few over head sets pulling through. Yes aloes starting to bloom, ferox and capensis. Drama at point with young Sawyer hounding an American Sup friend of mine out the water. He went to police and made a statement but did not press charges. He left town after Ginsberg tuned him to leave it alone. Even Lipshitz got involved and his board has more volume than the sups. Homicide of a youngish whitey knocked that darn hippie onto page five of Our Crimes complaining of traffic, sewerage into the sea, loose dogs crapping everywhere, beach sleepers, hoboes and drunk car guards.there is even a plea in there for a wendy house or old caravan, the old chancer. Couple members of Parkway Drive, big time Aussie band from Byron Bay, in town surfing very well. Maarten van der Velde has the images. Warren Dean still ripping from Boneyards which was originally named Insanitudes by the guys making Ra boards at Shalom overlooking it. Steve sawyer also getting tubed all over the show. Day before yesterday, friday was the most picture perfect medium size Supers of the winter.Here at JBay Surf View us few grumpy old men checking the whole scene with binoculars looking for reasons to not suit up just yet. Larry Levine building a house for Derek Hynde opposite us but has hit rock and jack hammers cant get through. Peace back in the valley.
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