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After hours: fishing in Angola

After hours: fishing in Angola

Tales of tarpon, Kingfish, salmon and more… The following gallery has been submitted my Marc Lange onlocation, fishing in Angola.

Marc has also reported some close calls with 80kg class tarpon, at a river mouth nearby! Having one on for 10 minutes is the record so far… these fish are renowned for being able to throw even the deepest set hook.

From Marc’s WhatsApp messages…

“Sean yesterday I hooked two , #%&£# man , these things are strong , like trying to reel in a 50L cylinder with the pillar valve just knocked off, the one was a quick 30 sec hook up but the other was on for about 10 minutes and I got him next to the side quick in about 7 minutes or so, then it was as if he didn’t even know he was hooked and screamed off and jumped like crazy and through my 9/0 kendel , Eish man it’s always when they jump and then he throws the hook, I’ve had 4 hook ups now, live mullet the last two , but these are 80kg I’m sure , will try source some circle hooks.”

Eish Marc… Sounds like crazy fun you having there!

And thank you for the photies!

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