Fishin’s Cool 2020 Fishing School is on at the Umzimkulu Marina
Fishin’s Cool at Fishing School has fired up again, this July, 2020. We are following all the rules and have therefore limited slots available. At this stage, we are offering Fishin’s Cool from 9am to 4pm, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Just down from Durban in KZN, South Africa, on the South Coast.
And we have this action-packed video with which to announce Fishing School 2020 with…please don’t forget to Like and Subscribe!
With the clean, clear water of winter moving into the Umzimkulu Estuary, come the kingfish. And the Garrick. The Kob. And the Grunter. To join the resident hunters already inside the bridge. Like the perch and the formidable rock salmon.
What a fantastico spot to run a fishing school!
From the vantage point of the Umzimkulu Marina, and utilising our little fleet of boats, we can strike inland up to the reefs under the main N2 bridge. We can fish the channels and the deep hole, on the way there and back. Or we can head south and towards the ocean. Following either of the twin channels that skirt the huge mudbank in the middle of the wide river. And into the basin, where the oceans energised saltwater comes right in. Bringing all sorts with it!
This is the seascape on offer at the meeting place of the mighty Umzimkulu River, and the mighty Indian Ocean.
This year, we have broken the syllabus down into a set of curriculums based on fish by specie. The ecology and conservation of each species is detailed. With positive steps that can be taken by individuals or groups, for each one.
Our fishing teaching has also changed to accomodate the ethics and values required when fishing in our sensitive environments. We use circle hooks mainly. And all our fish are released, unless in extenuating circumstances. We carry a tagging kit on board, and we use it a lot. We are affiliated with the Oceanographic Research Institutes tagging program.
Equipment and tackle
We provide everything but sure, if your kid has a rod, please let him bring it along. We also have available, on the Umzimkulu Marina online store, all the tackle you or your kid will require.
In fact, the MYDO Fishing Lure factory is on the premises! Check them out online right here.
This gallery, is all of fish, taken at the Umzimkulu Marina, this year only (2020). And there are many more we never photographed at all too!

Please get in touch with Sean on +27793269671 or email umzimkulu@gmail.com to book a few slots of Fishins Cool for your kid(s).
You can read more about the school at it product page right here…
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so awesome Sean. A REAL education that is broad based but including ethics, morals and values on all levels. Plus technology, photography, ecology, biodiversity, sustainability, and eco-system services.
Way to go Fishings cool