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Fishing with the MYDO Luck Shot MINI

Fishing with the MYDO Luck Shot MINI

Fishing with the MYDO Luck Shot MINI puts you way ahead of the old conventional drop shot rig. The Luck Shot MINI really moves. Side to side, veering as you twitch the tip of your rod. Different twitches and retrieves produce total different results.

Jerk and twitch for violent direction changes.

Crank on the surface and it acts like a surface plug as the perpendicular face to the pulling eye breaks the surface and again darts from one side to the next, sometimes penetrating the surface and dragging a kona load of bubbles behind it.

A slow retrieve gives you a swimming lure that behaves like a swimming plug.

Except, the Luck Shot MINI is rigged with a solid single hook, that faces  upwards, like a drop shot, as opposed a trailing treble or combination of trebles hanging below the lure. This almost always damages and often kills your catch, no live bat and no release possible. The single hook of the MYDO Luck Shot MINI hooks the fish politely in the top jaw or corner of it’s mouth. Easy release. Minimal damage.

The two sizes make for adaptability to any conditions. The lures cast really well, the #1 weighing in at 0.7 Oz, and the #2 at 1.7 Oz. You can choose all kinds of combinations with the two heads. When the offshore is blowing, you can fish the lighter head with a bigger hook and a 7 inch split tail plastic, for lifelike swimming action that really works wll in the top 30 cm of water in the surf zone. Rigged like this you get an amazing snakey slithery swimming action – and when things get hot, crank it on the surface for a ‘better than a plug’ action.

If you have serious current or wind to contend with, rig heavier with the #2. Huge casts and deep water, with the same characteristics and the #1.

Sean Lange 25kg Kob MYDO
Sean Lange 25kg Kob MYDO taken on a #2 MYDO Luck Shot MINI. MYDO Luck Shot Mini lure are available at Spotted Grunter and The Hardware Store in Port St. Johns.

Check out more about the MYDO Luck Shot MINI lures below…

MYDO Luck Shot Mini # 1 S

MYDO Luck Shot Mini # 1

MYDO Luck Shot Mini # 2


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