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Final Solution for Port St Johns Garrick and Kob Slaughter

Final Solution for Port St Johns Garrick and Kob Slaughter

Final solution for Port St Johns garrick and kob slaughter: Well first off, apologies for going so quiet. I was on a secret mission in the Transkei somewhere. Job just finished. For obvious reasons none of the fish I caught on this trip can feature in this video. But. Watch this space!

Second apology is to the individuals who work at DAFF. Please understand that as a collective you guys are ineffective and things have to change. And we as anglers, are here to help. 100%.

Port St Johns Garrick slaughter: Slipway illegal jiggers Port St Johns August 2020
Slipway illegal jiggers Port St Johns August 2020. When DAFF finally came they arrested the wrong people. AGAIN! This is one of their favourite past times. Many stories behind this one.

I am back in the studio now. And will be publishing content on a far more regular basis again. This rant touches on many sensitive subjects and I am open to conversation so please feel free to comment with your thoughts. Positive or negative. It all counts towards a greater understanding for us all. Abuse…ummm…you will just lose your own credibility anyways. So. No!

When you are done watching, please consider a Like and Subscribe on my YouTube channel – so that I stay inspired to keep up the fight. Thank you to all viewers and subscribers thus far. We are mainly short of environmental lawyers and the like. But any constructive contribution is most welcome.

Let’s do this!

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We got lots of rogue government organisations to roast. Starting with DAFF!

And who can guess who is next?


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Post by The Sardine News.

2 thoughts on “Final Solution for Port St Johns Garrick and Kob Slaughter

  1. Top local fisherman can catch a ton of Garrick a year .
    Sending 7 bakkies from Port Elizabeth must cost a fortune, petrol, accommodation, etc.
    Daff had very little impact.
    Last year 1 guy had a job working on the road earning 1800 a month, he didn’t have time to fish and a ton of Garrick was saved.
    So giving 1 person a job on the road saved more Garrick than the 3 daff convoys did this year.
    R10000 saved more Garrick than hundreds of thousands that daff spent.
    So I agree with ur idea of tagging sounds like an effective solution.

  2. Thank you Gavin for taking such an interest. And relating your experience… solution can’t be far off now…

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