False Sardine News in todays Update 8 June 2024
F?alse Sardine News in todays Update 8 June 2024: Sardine Aficianado Kevin Tuohy weighs in on today’s sardine chatter.
Over to Kevin…
How’s it chaps, this is Kevin from Qora Mouth, just north of Mazepa Bay in the Southern Transkei. Well, we’ve seen reports of sardines showing up all over the south coast. Just a word of caution, I don’t know how many of these are factual, and you know, to some people, they’re not. A couple birds diving means the sardines have arrived to some.
False Sardine News

I would just suggest to save your frustration, it’s early days now, chaps. These are the pilot shoals that came through us about two weeks ago. Um, you’re gonna get some scattered sightings here and there, but I really wouldn’t say it’s worth chasing these down the coast from beach to beach.
You’re going to be very frustrated and disappointed. So be that as it may The only credible sighting that we’ve heard of is Port Edward area nets have been put in haven’t heard yet if they were successful But I think guys it’s just now’s the time just to relax a little bit Let these bigger shoals start filtering through and then you’re going to see all the action on the beach not much happening Yeah, around here today South swell definitely dominant.
Pumping 3 to 4 meter waves crashing on the rocks. So we can expect things to start heating up a little bit. Water’s very clean. That southwest wind from a couple of days ago was pumping at about 50 kilometres an hour. Cleaned up the water completely. Hasn’t brought in too much warm water. The water’s 16 degrees.
Which there’s nothing wrong with that for the sards. So yeah, let’s just see what happens over the next day or so. I’m seeing some birds flying around, gannets, but no diving, no dolphins in sight. So I’m saying that the bigger shoals are still south of us and we’re just going to have to bide our time and wait for, for them to come start moving north again.
Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Yeah. Keep you updated as soon as things happen. Cheers.
Thank you Kevin in Qora!
Ok just got to watch out for that false sardine news. Happens every year!
Affiliated YouTube Channels
https://youtube.com/@Brucifire – highly entertaining surf reporting
https://youtube.com/@thesardinenews – neva miss a single sardine
https://youtube.com/@mydotackletalk – highly technical sport fishing
https://youtube.com/@surflaunchingsouthernafrica – getting out there safely
https://youtube.com/@waterwoes – complain here
Affiliated websites
https://umzimkulu.co.za – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River
https://umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za – sardine run coming up
https://thesardine.co.za – never miss a single sardine
https://masterwatermen.co.za – news from deep down
https://brucifire.co.za – surf and conditions reporting
https://fishbazaruto.com – your dreams are out there
https://mydofishinglures.co.za – technical sport fishing