Estuary kob fishing and other news…

Chris Lepan and crew on Happy Daze have mastered this estuary kob fishing on artificials. You can see them every chance they get spinning and slow trolling all sorts behind the boat up and down the channels of the Umzimkulu River.
Meanwhile down at the mouth, which has re-opened, it’s mad with shad and garrick anglers throwing spoons, baits and plugs all over the waters around The Block. And fish. Mainly shad, a few garrick in between, and at night time, kob.
It’s pretty much the same story up and down the coast, at all the good fishing spots.
Sardine news is scant these days, it looks like that first flurry might be all we get?! But not necessarily as the south winds set in and churn the weekends serene ocean into a rough mess. Exactly what the sardines are waiting for. This wind also drops the oceans temperature towards the magical 19 degrees we know the sardines like. Stay posted!