The Umbilo River: death by turd
The Umbilo River that runs right through Durban has been systematically destroyed by raw untreated sewage flowing directly from the Pinetown waste management system into its once pristine and beautiful flowing waters.
Death by Turd
From Pinetown, it carries its new payload – the very many diseases, bugs, viruses, pathogens, and toxins that come from raw sewage, down towards and finally into – the ocean. This river used to carry a payload of shrimps, prawns, crabs, fishies, birds, buck, otters…
Today you will find exactly none of that anywhere near the Umbilo River.
What you will find, are more humans. Who use this water to wash and bathe in. They use it to cook food. They use it to water their little veggie gardens. These are the forgotten ones. The ones that the ANC does not care about. They can’t vote anyway.
And in this water, a gift from the ANC – are the substances that kill. Maim. Cripple. Flesh-eating bacterias. Superbugs. Professor Anthony Turton addresses these highly toxic threats in the accompanying video.
It is not chemical spills. Or factories breaking the rules. It’s the ANC crippling the country day by day. Month by month. By being corrupt and ineffective against any community challenges. Like sewage. Water. And electricity.
With an endless emergency budget – there is no excuse for Durban Waste being out-off-operation since April. As admitted by Ethekweni Waste Management’s very own – Dave Wilson. On radio.
You can read all about that situation with an analysis of Wilson’s radio remarks at https://thesardine.co.za/ethekweni-municipality-issues-warning-about-its-own-incompetence/.
Fish Kills
The fish kills in that story can be tied directly to the Umbilo and the other rivers that flow through Durban to the sea. It does not take a team of investigators to add together these particular two and twos.
The crux is this. None of our sewage water treatment plants are operating properly. And the infrastructure – the pipes and things – are neglected and left to rot by the ruling party.
Yes. The ANC. Such an easy enemy to hate. After they won their little violent struggle and necklacing war (in which they killed thousands of people by burning tyres around their necks) – they then took this beautiful and profitable country to its knees.
And still are, to this day.
This is what we fought against
Lost our lives for. Our brothers. Fathers. Cousins. Uncles.
We were fighting a revolutionary enemy. The ANC. They were the terrorists at the time – blowing up power stations and wallowing in their claim-to-fame as the necklacing specialists.
John Scheepers, who submitted the Umbilo River video material to us, was one of these young fighting men. And as much as he might have been ideologically puzzled at this mission so early bestowed upon in his life, to be a soldier, to fight the enemy – John now is understanding exactly why the ANC was the foe back then. And still is very much the enemy right now.
Some of their most recent achievements:
- USD 4 000 000
- turned the country into a toilet – river by river
- Failed state/captured state
- corrupt and lazy public servants (not all, but definitely most)
- Firing of Ezimvelo and hiring of the incorrigible DAFF – laying waste to our fish and environment
- load shedding 40% up (read all about that here)
- support Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine (read all about that here)
This list goes on and on…

I suggest establishing a stone weir down stream higher than the bank, out into the mid of the river and then upstream for a kilometre. It will serve as a poop catch where you can get it to flow onto an area of land that becomes a swamp.
Then again down river from that weir but on the opposite side. It will reduce considerably the poop flowing down stream.