Dbn KZN 6am Conditions Report by Adam Kamdar on the Durban Golden Mile
Dbn KZN 6am Conditions Report by Adam Kamdar on the Durban Golden Mile: A great beach day for some. But not for others. No surfers. No boats out off Durban today. These high-pressure systems bring along fantastic sun-tanning and surf fishing weather.
Over to Adam…
Today will be all about the gulleys. Scratching through with tiny baits or lures puts you in the game for all sorts of gulley gangsters. Bronzies. Germans. Rockcod. Blacktail…
And if you are really feeling lucky, maybe you will come face-to-face with the gulley king. The brusher. These fish are visiting KZN Natal in numbers right now. And they swim shallow. Real shallow. The only problem with these mighty fish is that they get so big and strong.
Trouble on light tackle!
If you are lucky enough to have a clean and functioning estuary near you, now is the time of the year to be taking full advantage.
Here in the Umzimkulu last night we caught two greenspot kingfish on live mullet. Both released healthily and full of bounce. Man-oh-man do these fish fight dirty. Under the boat, around the jetty, over the mooring lines…non-stop when you got one of these guys on your line.
Join us for some estuary fishing at https://umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za.
With a lovely low tide at around 10am, the whole day is actually great tides. With a 1.9m high at 4pm, start fishing now, and fish ALL day!
Well it’s gonna blow later. But for now things are lovely and calm and the sea might even get a chance to mellow out this morning.
That big old cold front hitting Cape Town today has it’s sights firmly set on arriving here in KZN on Monday later. And then it’s gonna blast until Tuesday is out. Leaving us back in the good seats once the cold front has jetted past, on Wednesday/Thursday or so.

Dbn KZN Gallery
Dbn KZN gallery as shot by Adam at around 6am this very morning…