Chris Leppan shoots huge couta at Pomene
Watch this cool underwater and highly authentic video shot by Asha Irvine, Chris’ able lady – as Chris puts the spear in a huge couta at Pomene recently.
The fish was deep down, swimming the bottom as Chris descended above and behind to plant the perfect shot. The couta swims off like it would, and Chris gives chase, with Asha right behind him, camera rolling.
The reel gun must have been smoking underwater but luckily it was well spooled and the 32kg fish soon got dragged up kicking and screaming.
Chris’ antics have been nothing more than spectacular…we had to run a series on him to keep up!
More Chris action right here:
Couta off the beach at Pomene
Just btw, we somehow have two Chris Leppan’s, and they are both smoking hot anglers…
This is the other Chris Leppan…
And more about his fish right here: