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I need the dollar…

The crystal clear blue water unfurled around me as I swam down. The dollar bills were sinking and I was on their trail. The first one was surreal in the underwater sunlight. Got it! The next one was deeper but I soon had that green back in the hand. The last one was sounding fast, but my breath held, and I got that one too!

The thing is…when Ivan dropped the money, into the howling Sou’Wester, I had no qualms…until I realised it was my charter fee!

So there it was, clothes off, and into the water!

Luckily we also caught a nice bonito, which we swam live, but there were too many distractions about (like dollar bills), to conjure up a strike.

We also managed a yellowfin tuna thereafter, on Rapala, but that was that for our two trips together!

Thanks Louise, Ivan and Peter!
