Captain Duarte Rato tracked down fishing in the Ascension Islands
Well we found out what Captain Duarte Rato has been up to, and have photographic proof!

Yep, these guys have been nailing yellowfin over 200 pounds on surface poppers?! In fact, as was reported by Duarte, an angler from Germany, fishing off the side, got himself a 230lb yellowfin tuna?! Off the side?!
This is merely a sneak preview of what’s to come as we ready ourselves, here in the studio, for the senseless onslaught and adrenalin overload that comes with processing Duarte’s reports.
For another sneaky peek into Duarte’s , we are all geared up for Livestream from the boat, to thesardine.co.za website. Imagine watching Duarte’s antics live! No more imagining, it’s coming to a screen near you!
Hold onto your fighting chairs!