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Brandon Parsons trip to Langebaan

Brandon Parsons trip to Langebaan

Brandon Parsons, our newest contributor, has spent his life chasing and catching as many fish species as he can. We are building his portfolio right now…it is impressive! But to start with, here is Brandon Parsons submission, from his last trip, this weekend – to Langebaan, in the deep Cape.
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Brandon Parsons with a magnificent 7 Gill Cow Shark taken at Langebaan this weekend.
“So on this adventure I was challenged to get 2 new species 1 edible and 1 shark .
I started fishing the Friday and first cast got my 1st new specie it was a Cape Gurnard known for its beautiful colours I used a chokka bait and the fish was safely released and I ended up landing 13 of these beautiful fish which all were released
The Saturday I went out again, and managed to land about 20 soup fin sharks which were also released, but as this was not a new specie for me the search continued. I decided to try a bigger cast bait and used a big bull mullet wit some frigate tuna cutlets and 2 sardines inside out around it. I casted this monster bait about 65 to 70 meters out and put my rod in the rocks to go re pack my bait box when I realised I had some slack line. I picked the rod back up and felt something knocking my bait around it wasn’t long and line was screaming from my reel I fought this fiah for some time and finally managed to get it on the rocks it was a 7 gill cow shark and a new species for me .
All in all I managed on my last trip to catch over 50 good size fish and cant wait for my next trip.
Brandon Parsons”

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