Big Bazaruto Couta by Wade Kendall
Full story and video to follow but this is a preview of theĀ Big Bazaruto Couta caught by Wade Kendall out on Shades of Blue, yesterday.
We were out off San Sebastian a little south of Bazaruto (on the big scale), when we lucked into some bait and rigged a bonnie with a MYDO Livebaitswimmer couta trace – and it wasn’t three minutes.
Paul Saayman skipper and Wade on the rod, Wade’s Dad Ian, myself and our local guide enjoyed the 15 minute fight immensely until the leader jammed on the reel and we had to handline the last few metres! But after a generally slow day, this fish sealed the deal for us all. Especially Wade.
On our way home we bumped into one those baby black marlin that everyone has been talking about. It was free jumping after it had smashed something – in about 3 or 4 metres of water! We are really after one of those guys for a release candidate today…stay posted. – Xonalanga