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More Tofo Zombies…!

Kelly on the Cobia (Prodigal Son)...
Kelly on the Cobia (Prodigal Son)...

By the time the Bluff ous calmed down and got serious about fishing, Tofo Zombie syndrome had set in already. Vinnie and Kelly were very distracted and confused, luckily Matt managed to stay focus and put in a real good effort. But it was beginner’s luck again, and Kelly got two really nice fish – his first couta, on a X-Rap 15 Bonito style on the inside at Barra. And then a marvelous Prodigal Son (Cobia), as he dropped a Bucktail, with a long red tail, straight down it’s mouth, just south of Barra Lighthouse. After an epic struggle on 20lb line lasting over an hour, the little coffee grinder was starting to take strain. Vinnie came to the fore and gaffed it deep under the boat. With so many whales, I mean SO many, there must be thousands of Cobia around. On one drift, a whole shoal caught us by surprise, swimming right past our baits and the boat! There was panic as everyone’s spinning stick was somewhere else! There must have been 30 with the big ones up front, followed by many about 10kg’s.

The bucktail shot Prodigal...
The bucktail shot Prodigal...
Kelly got his first couta and cobia on this trip...cheered on by an ecstatic Jimmo (the hotshot local), and Vinnie Cook
Kelly got his first couta and cobia on this trip...cheered on by an ecstatic Jimmo (the hotshot local), and Vinnie Cook
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Sailfish release by Callum 9 yrs old…

It was a few years back that it happened, but I was stoked to come across this cool video we made of young Callum catching and releasing his first sailfish off Tofinho

SAILFISH released by Callum 9 Yrs Old off Tofinho.

His Uncle Angus also came to the party with a beautiful queenfish caught on light tackle dropshot – white as usual!

Then later this same day, we were astounded by a shoal of big skipjack tuna literally swimming at top speed above the water. It took a while for me to realise they were being herded by about 10 marlin, with one beast of an animal that leisurely swam right under our then stationary boat – full of gawking kids and adults alike!

What a day!

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I need the dollar…

The crystal clear blue water unfurled around me as I swam down. The dollar bills were sinking and I was on their trail. The first one was surreal in the underwater sunlight. Got it! The next one was deeper but I soon had that green back in the hand. The last one was sounding fast, but my breath held, and I got that one too!

The thing is…when Ivan dropped the money, into the howling Sou’Wester, I had no qualms…until I realised it was my charter fee!

So there it was, clothes off, and into the water!

Luckily we also caught a nice bonito, which we swam live, but there were too many distractions about (like dollar bills), to conjure up a strike.

We also managed a yellowfin tuna thereafter, on Rapala, but that was that for our two trips together!

Thanks Louise, Ivan and Peter!
