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Jason Heyne Dive Report for KZN

Jason Heyne Dive Report for KZN

Jason Heyne is our man on the underwater scene – he has been patrolling the waters of the KZN coastline for decades now and knows all the nooks and crannies, kooks and nannies and everyone in on the dive scene. Thanks Jason!

Awesome sea conditions this week with the best viz on the south coast up to 25m! Garrick are still hunting the points and shoals of Queen mackerel are patrolling a bit deeper. The daga salmon have been around with some trophy fish being shot. Well done to AJ on getting his first daga salmon weighing in at a respectable 35 kg! The weather and sea conditions are looking great for Saturday with a 1.2m swell running and light variable winds. Sunday the swell picks up to 1.4m with a light south Wester blowing. The second and final day of the Natal Shorediving champs is being held on Saturday with the weigh in at PWC (DUC)16H00. Good luck!


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Natal Shore Dive Champs, easterlies and big swells

Natal Shore Dive Champs, easterlies and big swells

Natal Shore Dive Champs, easterlies and big swells: and in the meantime, this huge jobfish/kakaap…

The sea conditions have not been great this week with very few fish coming out. Big swell and variable wind direction has turned the sea into a washing machine. The forecast for Saturday is not good with a 15 knt plus northeast blowing and up to 2m swell. Swell and wind drop Sunday morning with a south Wester picking up in the afternoon. The natal shore dive champs got off to a good start on Saturday and a little birdie told me that after the first day there’s not much points difference between positions 1 through to 4. The second dive day has been moved to next weekend due to the sea conditions not being favourable this weekend.
