9 June 2023 Sardine Report dolphin super pod plus BIG fish off Durban!
9 June 2023 Sardine Report dolphin super pod plus BIG fish off Durban!: News coming in thick and fast from all over the place…
Lionel Crow reports in from #durban where he and Adam Kamdar and mates had an unbelievably fruitful day out on the 9 June 2023. Including the #queenfish release that everyone is talking about. And that you can see in the video report.
Right here…
There are some really big fish off Durban right now! Also setting up ambush for the oncoming sardines.
The spearos are far more cheerful these days as the ocean opens back up with clean blue water coming in from the north. Clean, blue and hot! 24 degrees hot. This is way too warm for sardines. But the fish get lazy and doff at these temperatures. Thank you to The Bear for his timeous reporting.
Kevin all the way down in the depths of the Kei, has some breaking news. That could affect the outcome of the next few days or weeks. A super pod of dolphin. Tearing north as if they were missing out on something. Kevin speculates quite rightly that these guys are on the heels of the huge Kayser Beach shoal. That seems to have lost its way a couple times already so far. But by now has found its bearings and is on the move in the right direction finally.
Conditions for Sardines
This means, that aside from the warm water around the Durban and north areas, things are starting to line up. Luckily down on the lower south coast of Natal, the water has dropped to 22 degrees. This might be acceptable to these sardines. But if the water could just get down to below 20, we are gonna be in the game. One or two days of strong east wind will do the trick.
In the meantime, beware of false reports! These are reports or pics or videos from years gone by that resurface every sardine season. And other scam reports designed to dupe you. If you do get a sardine report in from somewhere, it would be great if you sent it to us so that we can verify its authenticity. We have sardine spies everywhere, and they don’t miss a thing. But sometimes these shoals slip through our defences at night and catch us by surprise…so please help us keep a look out too.
WhatsApp to Sean on +27793269671 or email me on umzimkulu@gmail.com.

Sardine Maps
Check out the previous years’ maps…
And then this years map…updated constantly…
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Surf Launching Southern Africa
Water Woes (best said in Afrikaans)
Fantastic report! Won’t miss it again