11 November 2024: KZN Rainy Season has Started by Adam Kamdar in Durban
11 November 2024 KZN Rainy Season has Started by Adam Kamdar in Durban: the rainy season seems to have snuck in. The weather can be really weird and adverse as this happens.
One person I know who gets it mostly all right is Adam Kamdar in Durban…
Thank you Adam of Township Hyper, link to Facebook Promotions page HERE…


After all the authentic (and also bogus) weather warnings circulated over the weekend, we seem to have gotten away with it just fine. Some rain. Some wind. Even some thunder and lightning. But no winds of 120 kmh! What makes people circulate this crap is beyond me. Because these days, between the commercial websites and the government ones, if they contradict themselves…who do we believe?
Rainy Season
I got a message from my stalwart friend in Harding last night. It sent chills down my spine. It read, “Raining proper now really winding it”. In a skrik, I went down to the jetty here at the Umzimkulu Marina and checked the boats. In the soaking rain we were having here in Port Shepstone at the time. And put more mooring lines!
But what worried more than an early flood, was his next message. And it read, “Ok I see the Umzimkulwana starting to rise now it’s been flat whole weekend”. For the Umzimkulwana is what brings the sewage water from Harding town’s broken sewerage system, to Port Shepstone. And the rest of the coast. And makes tourists sick and go to hospital.
My friend in Harding is Mr. Bertie Strydom. A seasoned cattle farmer in the area. He farms along the edge of the Umzimkulwana. And has lost a terrifying number of cattle and calves, to Anthrococcis Fikkilis. From drinking the water out of the Umzimkulwana River. The one that joins the Umzimkulu at St. Helens Rock. About one kilometre from the drinking water abstraction plant for the entire Port Shepstone area.
Recently, UGU and some other municipalities have finally conceded and has issued warnings about rather boiling the tap water from your municipality, before using it. Because it is most likely contaminated. And the ANC vice-president David Whatever has issued a statement about laying criminal charges against certain individuals and municipalities responsible for their respective roles in their relative debacles.

Back to Harding…
Basically, the sewerage works has been neglected and is not able to process the sewage coming from the town. During load-shedding, the pumps that move the sewage down and under the highway to the sewerage plant just stopped working. And now the whole place has sewage everywhere. It stinks. Same as every other town or city in South Africa at the time. The sewage overflows and runs down the streets. Across parks. Through schools. Hospitals. Harding is a prime example of how the ANC are so incapable corrupt and dishonest.
When a group of children gained free access to the unattended sewage plant in Harding, a 4 year old fell into the raw sewage and drowned in it.
When the Farmer’s Dam meant to service the water requirements for local Harding farmers went green due to eutrophication, the municipality inspected and said it was green paint. I don’t think they realise that if you pour raw sewage into a holding dam, the organisms that try to process the sewage (green-coloured algae) consume all the oxygen in that water. Then everything dies. And the water goes that black inky colour. In this water, all kinds of pathogens and germs thrive.
They get to interact with the drugs and medicine that are part and parcel of human sewage. Anti-retrovirals. Oestrogen. Anti-biotics. And can form variations of themselves that are immune to these treatments. A cesspit of super germs becoming ever more resistant to modern medicines.
No, they can’t see this. Because nobody ever showed them. And they never took the time to find out. ANC Municipalities are based on Cadre deployment. Not engineering prowess.
Anyway, this tepid poisonous water has been sitting in the Harding Farmers Dam, for the entire dry season of 2024. It’s been the same all the many years of neglect before this. I was up there with Afriforum a few months back, we visited the dam, and it was bright green in one corner.

And the rest had that black lifeless look and colour. That comes after eutrophication (green). Really bad water doesn’t really have ripples or little waves. And is black or dark brown in colour. The surface tension is so high so it looks calm. Beware of water like this. In fact, do not swim in ANY dam in this country right now. Even Albert Falls is falling victim to sewage-induced algal blooms (bright green) right now. And this is exactly where people in Durban and surrounds, receive their drinking water from.
The entire country is a toilet under the reign of the ANC. Even without load shedding, the sewage still flows. ANC sewage. And it does not just evaporate or disappear. It comes straight back to haunt in the form of sick tourists and other ocean users.
Duty to Warn
Is a law. So if you run a ratepayers association – like they do in say Ramsgate on the KZN South Coast. And you test the water in your lagoon or beach for e-coli and any other dangers. And the results are bad. So bad in fact that your little committee decides not to make the results available. They keep the information from the press and the public.
This is a criminal act.
As a citizen, your social contract demands from you, that if you see a fellow human walking into danger that you know about, you have a duty to warn that person.
Or you are breaking the law.
by Sean Lange
Dive Report
From the Bear earlier when the internet was working…it has been broken all day hence the late posts!
Viz Report at Cave Rock in Durban by The Bear …
The ever-optimistic Bear Report broadcast from Cave Rock on the Bluff in Durban, KZN. Where the water seems clean. And getting cleaner. We just gotta hold out on the hope that this soaking rain will remain just a soaking rain and not come bucketing down. Making the whole place brown!
Shoutout to The Bear. Check his website at https://masterwatermen.co.za.
Big thanks to Township Hyper for the daily reports from Durban…
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