Well you can Surf in Durban Today 18 Oct 24
Well, you can surf in Durban 18 Oct 24 by Adam Kamdar: Durban really has many advantages over ots two flanking coastlines. The main one is that the north-facing beaches welcome the SW with red carpet treatment. For…
This wind is directly offshore at the piers!
This is not the case down or up the coasts. Sure there are some nooks and crannies like Scotties and Umzumbe. That can handle a stiff SW like the one blowing today. Where it gets really tricky on the coasts though, is when that wind aligns itself slightly more to the south, than coming in from the west. This destroys any all hope of decent waves on the south coast.
And yet in Durban, the waves just keep on keeping on. There are a lot of advantages to being a surfer in Durban Town.
Over to Adam explain…
Thank you Adam see you out there one fine day! And thank you for the gallery of Durban this very morning…
The Bear of The Master Watermen spearfishing journal will be checking in later. With his weekly roundup and synopsis of what is going on in under the water.
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