Categories: Report

Typical Monday Conditions for KZN Today 4 Nov 2024 by Adam Kamdar from the Durban Beachfront

Typical Monday Conditions for KZN Today 4 Nov 2024 by Adam Kamdar from the Durban Beachfront

Typical Monday Conditions for KZN Today 4 Nov 2024 by Adam Kamdar from the Durban Beachfront: The cycle of great Monday’s might be firing up again as today unfolds dreamily. The last two Mondays were absolutely terrible. The week ahead looks to be rather interesting as the low-pressure systems are dominating southern Africa right now.

Over to Adam on the Durban Beachfront with an in-depth analysis of current conditions…

Thank you Adam Kamdar of Township Hyper. Check out their Black November promotions right HERE.


You can see on the synoptic chart here, that there is a huge high-pressure off to the west and sitting pretty over the Atlantic Ocean. Moving towards the east and over the landmass of Africa, we have a bunch of convoluted low-pressures trying to team up and maintain dominance for the week.

Further across towards Australia and over the vaste Indian Ocean, there is another large high-pressure concentration. This is keeping all the low pressures working together.

The next cold front, due in about a week or less, looks to be dominated and thrust south by the massive high pressures on either side. This means good weather and maybe even some decent swell from the east.


Well, we got summer mornings and insides to ride as we move into the summer and rainy season. This is a challenging time of the year but if you are early enough, you gonna get the waves.


It’s a beautiful fishing ocean right now. The tide is backing off and the weather seems to be holding dry for now. There is gonna be some wet coming later tomorrow and during the week. You may have to take an umbrella fishing with you!

This garrick was caught this very morning! Margate Pier.

Taking full advantage of the lekker Monday conditions for KZN. Margate Pier, KZN Lowewr South Coast.

The kingfish below was caught on an artificial in the Umzimkulu Estuary recently. A helluva fight on light tackle. And a real treat for the budding angler. Come and join us for this type of easy and comfortable fishing at anytime.

Great Estuary Fishing conditions for KZN the next few weeks until the rains start. Got to get in before the rain!


Well, let’s wait for The Bear of The Master Watermen website, for his comprehensive dive report for the weekend. This should pop later today, stay tuned to stay tuned in.

Sardines and Sighting Maps

It has been a fantastic sardine run this memorable 2024. And all the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. This year’s map has been viewed 191,000 times and just keeps growing.

Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. This year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! And a freaking tornado! And recently a capsized KZNSB boat! We have been updating the map with recent catches too…

These events will from now on be included in the Sardine News Sightings Map for 2024. And on the 1 January 2025, we shall start all over again.

Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps. Great for a windy day like today to research. With instructions to install The Sardine News right on your phone or desktop.

2024 Sardine Map

2023 Sardine Map

2022 Sardine Map

2021 Sardine Map


Brucifire Surf Retorts – highly entertaining  surf reporting

Master Watermen – news from way down deep

The Sardine News – neva miss a single  sardine

FishBazaruto – 1000 pounds plus

MYDO Tackle Talk – highly technical  sport fishing

Surf Launching Southern Africa – getting out there safely

Water Woes – complain about your municipality here

Websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –  will get you right out and onto the edge – never miss a single sardine – news from deep down – your dreams are out there – for international orders

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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