Ox Eye Tarpon Tour of Southern Africa
Rates are per person with a minimum of two. A surcharge applies if you want to fish on your own. Two weeks. Guided.
Ox Eye Tarpon Tour: Luckily these magnificent gamefish – a mirror on fins, feature right on our doorstep. In the Umzimkulu Estuary where I grew up. They actually feature in many of our estuaries and harbours.
And just recently, Duarte Rato of FishBazaruto brought me this photograph!

This is Justin Landrey. And he is holding onto a freshly caught Ox Eye Tarpon, caught in the Zinave National Park, in Mozambique. This is the Save river. And guess where it empties out…?
Bartholomew Diaz aka BD aka Nova Mambone!
We also know that they are in the Pomene Estuary. The Kosi Bay system. The nKomati River estuary in Maputo. Richards Bay and Mtinzini. Kosi Bay. What a trip this is visiting all these amazing places.
And so, we are now able to put together this itinerary…to help you onto your very own trophy ox eye tarpon.
Between the Umzimkulu Estuary, the Kosi Bay system, Pomene, Zinave (including wild animals) and Bartholomew Diaz, you will encounter your ox eye tarpon.
Where we go is really remote and so we cruise with rented 4wds. Three passengers plus driver.
It is a luxury camping trip. We have everything you need whilst out there in the bush and under the stars.
All food and drinks are catered for.
We have spinning tackle for everyone. But you are most welcome to bring your own. Lures are provided by MYDO Fishing Lures in Port Shepstone, South Africa. And are included.
Bring your own fly rods.
Many of the places we fish do not require a boat. And some places we visit have boats there for us. Wild animals are everywhere and total awareness needs to be maintained. Luckily not all places are dangerous. But many are. You will see a lot of wild life on this tour!
The following video will give you a good idea of the type of fishing we will be doing, and the fish we will be catching along the way…
We make videos of all our trips and you can see most of them at where we run our YouTube Channel.
If you are on Facebook you can find us there too at
Get in touch with me Sean anytime on +27 79 326 9671 or to discuss the finer parameters of this trip of a lifetime – the Oxe Eye Tarpon Tour of Southern Africa.
Published by The Sardine News
The Sardine News website is sponsored and produced by TLC for your Business (online marketing agency and software house).
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