Fishin’s Cool Fishing School Day Camp




Fishin’s Cool Fishing School Day Camp


The Fishin’s Cool Fishing School Day Camp run down on the Umzimkulu River estuary in Port Shepstone (since 2008), gives anglers young and old (min age 10), a thorough grounding in sport angling, water safety and caring for the environment.

Most of the action is on video. Featuring this greenspot vs blacktop kingfish species mystery augmented with underwater video shot with our special trolling cameras!

It has been a wonderfully fun winter with the clean water making lure fishing consistently productive. The fish are tough and feisty and release really nicely every time. We have tagged a koblet lately, and aim to start really pushing to tag the more mysterious and vulnerable species like the river perch and rock salmon. And these kingfish of course, if we can just get the species right!?At these young ages, juvenile fish – are rather difficult to differentiate. It all becomes clearer later on in life. But one thing is for sure, this next is a baby GT!

At Fishin's Cool Fishing School this is what you can expect, a baby GT caught and released recently by Mr. Ant Nel on the Umzimkulu River
At Fishin’s Cool Fishing School this is what you can expect, a baby GT caught and released recently by Mr. Ant Nel on the Umzimkulu River

Fishing School info

Available most times by pre-booking. We kick off at – 9:00am and we fish all day to 3:00pm…includes;

  • fishing tackle and bait
  • cooldrinks and lunch
  • boat fees
  • online courses (phones or tablets are encouraged)

BYO snacks!


With qualified lifeguard and boat captain as a tutor, safety is part of every aspect of the fishing ethos and methods taught.

The syllabus below takes a few sessions to get through thoroughly but can be done over any period of time, in its modular format.

  • water safety: do’s and don’ts, basic first aid, dealing with an emergency situation
  • rod handling: rigging an outfit, casting, fighting a fish, safety and stowing equipment
  • reel handling: line choice, spooling, casting preparation, maintenance
  • estuary fishing: trace and hook choice, tides and the moon, dead bait, live bait
  • shore angling: water conditions and safety, choosing a spot,  currents, traces, tides and the moon, dead bait, live bait
  • boat angling: safety on the boat, rod and reel choice, tackle and traces, do’s and don’ts

Advanced fishing courses

Once these modules have been covered, there are more advanced courses available, for anglers to study, and longer-term arrangements are possible.

These more advanced courses are arranged by species. They are run on the MYDO website at – who sponsor the entire program.

Yiou can follow our every move on Facebook at We run a full-on YouTube Channel right HERE.

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg


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