Gone Surfing 24 October 2024
Durban Surf Cooking Again by Adam Kamdar: The waves are even better looking in Durban today! And up and down the coast the light north offshore jacked the waves up just right this morning. Adam Kamdar on the scene at North Beach in got some rad video and pics. Thank you Adam!
Tomorrow is another surfing day for Durban town beaches as a stiff south-westerly starts early and blows all day. The piers love these conditions and all the waves come alive.
The neap tides are a bit odd but do facilitate calmer weather at the same time. And Saturday is the next perfect day with hardly any wind again. Actually, the perfect fishing day.
Not sure about diving as the recent rains have discoloured most stretches of coastline here in KZN. Especially down south, finding a clean patch will be tough. The water has also dropped down to 19 degrees Celsius today, not sure what caused that – an upwelling from the onshore winds, or from the melting snow on the Berg?
We will find out more tomorrow when The Bear of the Master Watermen files his spearfishing report in the afternoon.
Over to Adam…
Thank you Adam…and for the gallery…
umzimkulu.co.za – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River
umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za – will get you right out and onto the edge
thesardine.co.za – never miss a single sardine
masterwatermen.co.za – news from deep down
mydofishinglures.co.za – MYDOs for global orders
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