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Where are the sardines today the 16 June 2023?

Where are the sardines today the 16 June 2023?

CLICK HERE for the 2024 Sardine Run Sightings Map.

Where are the sardines today the 16 June 2023?: its a beautiful winter’s day again down here on the Southern Kwazulu South Coast. The early-morning offshore wind has painted the sea pretty. Albeit with a consistent and good-sized groundswell rolling on in from the south.

A very pretty picture.

As of this 9:30 am report, things are very quiet though. A few netting boats are contemplating the hair-raising surf conditions at Hibberdene. Hoping for a shoal to come in close and be trapped on the inside. As the tide has gone out significantly by now, this is what to look for. Small pockets trapped in gulleys and channels.

If you are lucky enough to be on the hunt for sards, head down south to Port Edward, and slowly amble your way back up the coast. By the time a net goes in somewhere, you could be in the exact right place.

Next update coming as soon as some verified sardine news breaks…

10:30 AM – From Jack at Hibberdene – “Visited Hibberdene. Chat amongst the crowd of a pocket sighted but kept their slippery identity and disappeared. A netting crew was also there but left after I arrived. From the Hibberdene high point there is signs of bait fish getting smashed 500/600m offshore.
The swell is settling from this morning and conditions are improving. Stay positive and warm.

Not even people at Hibberdene 11 am

11:30 am – Sardines in the surf with the surfers at Umzumbe. Netters lining up at Pumula right next door. There is a lot of action, the ocean has come alive in this area. Whales and dolphins also present. It might be worth heading to these places and the places north like Hibberdene all over again. This is exactly what happens every sardine run – these fish are always FULL of surprises.

12:30 pm – Veolin in Mtwalume has just right now reported lots of sharks, fish, whales, dolphins, birds and……sardines! With nobody there! It is well-protected in the bay and there isn’t one netting boat present. But the shoals are moving hell-fast to the north. Intercept them at Rocky Bay or Scotties.

3 PM – sardine news in from Kevin in Qhora, way down south in the Transkei…

Sardine Run 2023 Sightings Map

For a great overall perspective you can easily check out the interactive sardine and sightings map…updated constantly…right here…

2023 Sardine Run Map 

YouTube Channels

And we have some cool YouTube Channels to keep you entertained and informed of all things sardines, ocean and conservation.

The Sardine News

Surf Launching Southern Africa

MYDO Tackle Talk

Water Woes (best said in Afrikaans)

Enjoy the sardine run right here with us at the Umzimkulu Marina, in Port Sheptone, where Umzimkulu Adrenalin can get you out there. Catch a gamefish with Mydo Fishing Lures.

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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