Categories: Report

Watch “Humpback Whale by Offshore Africa” on YouTube

The humpback whales are normally the first on site as they start the list of invitees for this year’s Sardine run.

Dolphins and gannets are next on the list, and as the action hots up, Bryde’s Whales, and sharks.

Sharks by the thousands. Where they all come from is anyone’s guess but bronze whalers, Zambezi, Tigers, Whites, Hammers – even deep open ocean sharks with those long fins rock up.

The predator pyramid gets all confusing except for what’s at the very bottom – The Sardines.

Dave Sproston in Plettenberg Bay reports disks of Sardines, and plenty Garrick, as far as two weeks ago.

Debbie Smith has been received constant sighting reports in the Transkei.

So watch this space. They could pitch up at your nearest beach anytime now.

To get at them sooner, click on over to and book a week with the professional team of Rob Nettleton and Debbie Smith.

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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