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Watch and learn: the 2022 video playlist

Watch and learn: the 2022 video playlist

Watch and learn: the 2022 video playlist is being filled with action right from the purple (and green sometimes) waters of the Bazaruto Archipelago.

We have had plenty fish and quite a few made it into this month’s playlists.

Green Water Marlin

This episode is shot during a tussle with a spritely little 100-pound black marlin so full of beans. Out the back of San Sebastian – a place where monsters swim. I attest to this, I have swum down there with them. It’s an incredible underwater scene with pinnacles and canyons making for Disneyland-type scenes.

This guy, however, would have performed better if he had jumped on a well-presented fly. Or swallowed a neat little bonito live bait on a 20lb spinning stick. The big old 80 meant for granders and driven by Charlie made short work of the fish.

You can read Captain Duarte Rato’s account of this day right here…and even watch a video!

The original post is on the website.

The playlist

Features a series of longer-form video, chiefly in landscape mode. And there is also a slew of uber-cool little shorts,. Crammed with action and in digestible chunks of a minute or less.

Watch and learn

Each video holds a treasure trove of information that with each digested episode will prepare you for the ultimate showdown. For that big day when the live bait rod starts making funny shaking movements and next thing you are hooked up to a screaming blue.

Time to operate!

You will have to watch a helluva lot of these clips to get up to the standards of Duarte and crew. Aboard those two beautiful monohulls, Vamizi, and Ibo, this team is invincible. Top two marlin boats every year in Africa.

Book with Duarte

The 2022 FishBazaruto season is obviously fully booked up and we are getting to the halfway mark already. To be in on this action with Duarte next year or the year after, best you make your enquiries now already.

Other slots coming up though are the February Blues as these maniac fish come in close at Inhaca. Along with the stripes, this is a very cool trip to be on. Plus it’s so very close to the border and the fishing grounds.

Then it’s sailfish in May and June back up in Bazaruto. And we will keep you well informed of anything else exciting coming up.

2022 FishBazaruto Gallery

Carlos and Pepe…10 to 14 October 2022

Fishing aboard Strenue with Warren mid October 202

Greg and Carl 27 Sept to 1 Oct 2022

Click on over to the website to get in touch.

Keep checking The Sardine News for more action like this. From Bazaruto and all over Southern Africa.

Order your custom-made heavy-duty MYDO Gamefish Traces right here.


Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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