
Video: 100lb Kob by Gerrard Powell and other stories

Video: 100lb Kob by Gerrard Powell and other stories

Video: 100lb Kob by Gerrard Powell and other stories: Gerrards fish leads the news report this week. Backed up by contributions from up and down the coast. Port Edward to Bazaruto.

Video: 100lb Kob by Gerrard Powell and other stories

Fish of the Year! Worldwide actually. We do not have any record or pics or anything that comes anywhere the calibre and magnitude of this catch.

Gerrard Powell. 100lb Kob. Tag and release!

In this report, we also feature inserts from Adam Kamdar of Township Hyper fame. And an ocean roundup from an underwater angle, by The Bear of The Master Watermen website accessed at:

The all-new Umzimkulu Adrenalin are the sponsors of this weeks news. Ocean Safaris, Deep-sea fishing trips and river cruises are on the menu. As is breakfast. Served daily from 6 am onwards.

MYDO Fishing Lures contribute a deep-sea report that tells us that the summer gamefish season is right upon us. Ink blue water and all. All we need now is for this crazy weather to play along and treat us to a week or two out on that water.

Mention has been made of the striped marlin, dorado and yellowtail showing up in catches right up and down the KZN eastern seaboard.

Send in your catches or happenings, to Sean on, for inclusion in this monthly/weekly/sometimes even daily report.

More at

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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