Categories: EditorialEnvironment

Umtentweni shad undersize

Umtentweni shad undersize

Ignorance is not acceptable.

Umtentweni is pretty much well known for it’s Grannies Pool. A cool little enclave semi protected from the pounding surf where peeps of all ages can frolic themselves away.

Taking the editorial staff out for a walk and a swim always gets the tails wagging, and this day was no exception. We charged down to the pool and went swimming. Unfortunately, the brown water from the Umzimkulu had been driven by the powerful west wind right up into the bay at ‘Tweni, and the water in the pool was murky as.

Two young kids and an adult were fishing in the pool. I ambled over and checked their camp out. They were full of fish!? Using Yozuri jigs with sardine baits, they had found a shoal of karanteen, and in amongst the kara’s, shad!

The kara’s were of size, but the shad, definitely not. Plus the kids had a cast net and sure knew how to use it. They had a shoal of baby mullet too! All in all, their taking for the day was about 30 kara’s, 15 shad and a shoal of mullies! The bag weighed about 10 kg’s!

I gently enquired as to the legality of their operation and soon they got a worried look on their faces. I explained to them how much trouble they could get themselves into. They got more worried. Soon they were scarpering for their car and were off.

Sheer ignorance, or sheer criminal? Either way, unacceptable.

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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  • Hey Sean,

    Pity more knowledgeable peeps like you aren't around to supervise. But there is a bit of a resurgence of fish there now compared to 10 -20 years ago?

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