Transkei Trip

Having my two brothers and nephew in the water wherever we go, means we need a place to surf, that has no-one else near us. Luckily the Transkei is down the road, with it’s gracious serving of perfect right-handers. On camera is my brother Marc (he films a bit like Bruce Gold), and in the water, Roosta and Buzz (Brandon Lange).

Buzz put the edit together, a great job pal! The guitar is by Roosta, in the soundtrack provided by Trollsmoke, the band Roosta plays in, in Norway.

The winter has not been epic this year. The sand is all caught in the bays, and we gonna need at least two or three proper winter fronts to move it all out to the points.

So we have all mostly been surfing away, down south. Saint Mikes and Southbroom, and then into the ‘Kei.

Time is running out for this huge sand moving task. A task that can only be accomplished by nature, as we move into full on Winter. The current spring tides looks promising as it carefully co-ordinates low tide with a strong south swell, and stiff, warm offshores – for Monday. A big west is moving up the coast and promises to change everything for the better, for us.

Very good music in that soundtrack het? Check them out on Soundcloud and have a listen.

More surfing action to follow…Trashed at Saints is the title of our next clip and its coming soon!

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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