Categories: Sightings

The Tackle Box for Mydo Lures and Fishing Charters in Shelley Beach


Submitted by: Sean Lange


The Tackle Box for Mydo Lures and Fishing Charters

Shelly Beach is the gateway to the mighty Protea Banks – a line of reef that stretches from Port Shepstone and down past Margate. It’s most prominent points are the two pinnacles, North and South, directly off Shelly Beach’s Sonny Evan’s Small Craft Harbour. The South Pinnacle being the arena that hosts some serious actors including marauding Zambezi’s and gas bottle yellowfin tuna.

Mark Bennet has been fishing these pinnacles and the waters around them for decades, and when he isn’t, you can find him helpful and keen, in The Tackle Box, right at the turn-off to Shelley Beach Ski-boat Club.

Mark and his crew are not just ski-boaters, they all come from a long lineage of serious rock and surf anglers. And being from this part of the world, bassin’ is in their blood.

So next time your’e in Shelley/Shelly Beach, check out The Tackle Box.

They even stock Mydo’s!

Note* There is another Tackle Box in South Africa, but in Middelburg, in the Transvaal. They also stock Mydo’s and can be checked out online on Google, here.

Tuna fishing on Protea Reef is right on the very top of the list of the most fun things to do in the entire world. The Tackle Box in Shelley Beach can kit you out proper!
Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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