Charl Mikkers sets up a bomb out front of Lalaland in Tofo, Mozambique (c) Lalaland
Just a cool little clip portraying Lalaland Africa in Tofo, as it transforms and grows.
After you’ve seen the show, click on around their website and see what Lalaland has to offer. They are right on the beach at Tofo, just a short walk north along the main beach, and pretty much secluded. Lalaland features self-catering in a shared kitchen that can do anything. And a trio of tropical flavoured double rooms with outside showers and toilets!?
Imagine it!
There are often times waves to surf right out front, but otherwise, Tofinho and the new famed Barra are short vehicle rides away. Scuba and snorkel divers can stay underwater all day if they want – the water is crystal clear and warm as toast, especially now in summer when it gets to 28 degrees or more! And this is when the fishing gets spectacular with huge kingfish swimming in and around the bathers even sometimes.
For my clients and budding video creatives, please give Magisto a try, you can get a version for you PC or tablet or phone device, and it makes life just that much more interesting as it’s algorithms attempt to make sense of the tonne of video and still material we all inadvertently shoot and amass.
It is a great way to keep your content channels a flowing. It is a hundred times easier to get a great result and too bad for all those pimply video editor type creeps who do this stuff for a living and charge a fortune (ok my pimples have cleared up).
It even pops up with a message that its made a video (with your data), as a surprise for you every now and then, and guess what, it just sometimes works! If you don’t like it, delete it, or tweak it until you are happy.
Good practise: The idea is to go in shooting for about 10 really good clips, and one or two tight stills. The editor robot known as Magisto then figures things out somehow, and thumps out an dead awesome edit (most times, sometimes it’s an epic fail, but there is a feedback dialogue for you, but remember, nothing good can come of boring footage).
It even offers sound (choose from the Magisto library, your own music, or no music) and titling options, and many different treatment options. WOW!
Then you can share it to the world on all the usual platforms…right from Magisto, or pop it over to YouTube (they seem to be in cahoots)…better still, embed it in a post on your website! Too easy!
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