offshore africa

Elephant Seal by Jay Steenkamp

Elephant Seal by Jay Steenkamp Our intrepid and voluntary sardine spy - Jay Steenkamp, has infiltrated the sardine fraternity to…

8 years ago

Offshore Africa’s new sardine spotter plane

Offshore Africa's new sardine spotter plane Take a look at Offshore Africa's new sardine spotter plane! Yep, introducing "Tzulu" Dowsett…

8 years ago

Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa

Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa have begun already as everybody looks…

9 years ago

PSJ from underwater by Ant Kobrowsky and Offshore Africa

PSJ from underwater by Ant Kobrowsky and Offshore Africa Anthony Kobrowski from Sea Candy - an underwater image production company,…

9 years ago

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