
Shaloha Uploaded

Shaloha Uploaded Well, we have tried this before but were ruthlessly taken out of the sky by arguing IP control…

11 years ago

Bazaruto marlin biting: Captain Duarte Rato checking in…

Bazaruto marlin biting: Captain Duarte Rato checking in... It's always an absolute delight to open my inbox and see something,…

11 years ago

Sailfish released off Tofinho by 11 year old Callum

Sailfish released off Tofinho by 9 year old Callum Young Callum and family joined us for a day out in the…

11 years ago


FIRST MARLIN FOR ANDREW WHITEHEAD Dave MacLean has fished with us for years and on his last trip in early…

11 years ago

Fresh in from Cpt. Duarte Rato: Marlin Black ‘n Blue

Tim and Ross from CT had been here on a 3-day trip three years ago and in that trip released…

11 years ago

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